Year In Review
Water Quality
The BEAA has an established mission to protect and improve the water quality of Bald Eagle Lake. We have made great progress. Longtime residents can recall algae blooms and murky water prior to the Alum treatments, annual treatments for invasive species, monitoring of native and non-native weeds and other important water run off projects. Bald Eagle Lake water clarity has never been better!
BEAA and Association Members
The BEAA has an established mission to protect, improve and monitor the water quality of Bald Eagle Lake. The BEAA has made great progress over the years. Longtime residents can recall algae blooms and murky water prior to the Alum treatments in 2014-2016. The Alum treatments were made possible due to the combined efforts of the BEAA and Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD).
Since then, the BEAA has continued supporting the annual monitoring of native and non-native weeds and treating for invasive species such as curly leaf pondweed. RCWD has also undertaken several projects to filter and control water entering Bald Eagle Lake from streets, creeks and ditches.
Additionally, the BEAA created a Shoreline Restoration Program to better control water run-off. BEAA collaborates with Ramsey County for implementation of boat launch inspections for the purposes of raising awareness of potential cross-lake contamination and to monitor for zebra mussel infestations.
A critical element that enables these work streams are the dues our lake association members pay. We are thankful for your support over the years.
The BEAA Board of Directors goals and efforts for 2023 are as follows:
- Developing a strategy regarding additional Alum treatment options with RCWD
- Developing strategies with RCWD regarding responses to the 2022 low water levels and late summer algae blooms
- Monitoring potential Zebra Mussel infestations
- Continuing to support, advertise and monitor our BEAA Matching Fund Program for Shoreline Restoration and Rain Garden Installation
- Partnering with Ramsey County to establish and execute best practices for boat launch inspections
- Maintaining and funding our New Infestation Response Plan, which provides confidence that we are prepared for unexpected invasive species
- Promoting the Adopt-A-Drain campaign
- Planning:
– The Annual Ice-Off Lake Clean-up (end of Feb/early March - TBD)
– A 2023 Spring Paddleboard/Walk Social Event (TBD) *
– Music on the Lake, Saturday July 1, 2023 *
– New – Youth Lake Education Program – Partnership with Steve McComas and RCWD (TBD) o New – Youth Fishing Contest (TBD) *
– Social Fundraiser Dinner at Dellwood Hills Golf Course
– Thursday April 27, 2023
– Annual “State of the Lake” Meeting (October – TBD)
– Creating more opportunities to purchase Bald Eagle Lake merchandise through our Graffic Traffic partnership
(* costs of these events are funded by donations and are not covered by annual dues)
Bald Eagle Lake is a special community that we can all be really proud of. Looking forward to next year, the BEAA is excited about the activities coming up and look forward to seeing you all on the lake!
To continue our efforts for the betterment of our lake, we again respectfully ask for your assistance and support through paying your dues. Click here to pay dues now.