
Together we keep Bald Eagle Lake great!

We are always looking for interested volunteers to share their skills and talents with us and to help us out by being on various committees for our different events or by working at the events themselves.

Let's Talk

Some areas in which we could use help include the following:

Someone interested in becoming an Aquatic Invasive Species trained “expert” by attending webinars, seminars, etc., sponsored by various organizations.

Volunteers to help expand our membership through membership drives, awareness campaigns, annual dinner invitations, updating our “Welcome Packet” materials, etc.

A connection with a printing company to help with signage for our events and printing and mailing of our dues, dinner and other communications.

Boat launch inspections

Marketing/graphics experience for our website, annual meeting displays, key communications.

Volunteers to help coordinate our online gear store sales events.

Hanging a zebra mussel detector from your dock, regularly inspecting and report monthly.

Volunteer with PCA to monitor lake clarity with a Sechi disk

Coordinate members to “Adopt a Drain” , choosing to clear a stormwater drain near them. See https://mn.adopt-a-drain.org/.  Volunteers choose which drain(s) they want to adopt and are asked to spend 15 minutes twice/month to clear them.

Committee members for the following planned/possible events:

Annual Dinner

Annual Meeting

Music on the Lake

Lake Clean Up

Possible Spring community event

Possible winter/lake ice rink or plowed path on the lake for skaters, walkers, skiing.

Information Booth at Township Days