BEAA 2021 Matching Grant Program for Shoreline Restoration - Rules & Guidelines


BEAA Shoreline Restoration Grant Program 2021


  • A maximum total of $15,000 will be allocated by Bald Eagle Area Association (BEAA) to the Shoreline Restoration Program (SRP) for 2021.  If there are not enough projects submitted or approved, the funds will not be carried over,  but will revert back to the BEAA treasury.
  •  BEAA will fund 30% of the total approved project cost up to a maximum of $5,000 per approved project.  In past years RCWD has funded up to 50% of an approved project's total cost leaving the property owner with 20% of the costs.
  •  Applications for the SRP grants should be submitted to Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) at who will then enlist Ramsey County Soil and Water (RCSW) to do a site survey and final approval of the project.  Only projects approved by RCSW and RCWD will be eligible to receive a grant from BEAA.
  •  Grants will be awarded in order of the date the property owner approved the concept plan from RCSW until the $15,000 maximum allocated is exhausted. If a project was approved but there were no available funds, the party can re-apply  the following year and keep their place in line.  This assumes that BEAA will fund another SRP for the following year.
  •  BEAA will pay the contractor on the approved project and not the property owner. Payment can be for the initial down payment to get the project started with a properly documented contract and invoice from the contractor.
  •  Only one BEAA SRP grant can be awarded to any property address in any 10 year period.
  •  Rain gardens that would hinder runoff and enhance the water quality of Bald Eagle Lake are also eligible for approval and funding under BEAA’s program for 2021.
  •  BEAA’s SRP is open to all properties that abut Bald Eagle Lake in Ramsey/Anoka/Washington Counties and any properties that directly affect the Bald Eagle watershed and its water quality.

 Questions can be sent to