September 25th, 2018 Meeting Minutes
BEAA MINUTES – BOARD MEETING 9-25-18 approved on 10-9-18
Attending: Bart Crockett, Mike Doran, Carole Moore, Rick Donovan, Adam Moore, Jim Ascheman
The minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved. Adam will post them on the website.
Treasurer’s report by Mike Doran: Current bank balance is $53,848.23. Total dues collected to date is $19,800 with an
additional $470 in donations. $300 was paid to Hanifli to pay for the annual meeting room rental. Carole has reviewed
the taxation information for the alum treatment we’re paying back to the RCWD. This will help identify lakeshore
homeowners versus lake access homeowners. It was suggested that our bank balance goal be twice as high as our
annual budget, so we can cover any emergent contingencies.
Zebra Mussels: No additional zebra mussels were detected during the additional searches conducted. Jim Ascheman
reported that the U of MN is working on a bacterial solution for zebra mussels. It was also suggested that people could
by copper paint at Abbott Paint in WBL and use the paint to cover the bottom of boats, dock pipes, etc., so zebra
mussels can’t adhere to the surfaces.
Annual Meeting: The meeting is scheduled for October 9 at 7 pm at the Hanifli Center for Performing Arts. Bart, Mike
and Rick will contact potential guest speakers. Carole will bring a membership list to the annual meeting, including
information about which homeowners have paid 2018 dues. She will also bring 75 copies of the annual meeting minutes
from last spring. We will have a check in table, with the alphabet divided in half to facilitate a speedy c heck in. Adam
will be there to accept credit card payments for dues, as well as cash or checks. Adam will update the header on the
website to mention the annual meeting and encourage dues payment. Bart will prepare yard signs for the meeting and
Jim will help place them. Bart will open the meeting and discuss membership; Rick will present information about water
treatments. After the annual meeting, Carole will report the approved summary on Facebook, Next Door and to the WB
501C 3 Status: The revised by-laws were reviewed and Adam will submit the minor changes to the attorney for
finalization. One change to the by-laws was that terms will be 3 years with the option for 3 additional years. Bart will be
contacting some suggested candidates to recruit new board members. Mike made a motion, Rick seconded, all
Letter to be mailed: Bart will be drafting a letter to be mailed out to all on our membership list, including sailing
members. He will summarize the past year’s activities, expenses and maintenance goals for our bank balance.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Bart made the motion, Rick seconded, all approved.