BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 9-15-2020


Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

9-15-2020 at 5:30 pm CST


Carole Moore’s Residence

Minutes Approved 10-21-20





Bart Crockett (President)


Jim Ascheman (Member at Large)


Mike Doran (Treasurer)


Adam Moore (Member at Large)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large


Molly Ertle (Member at Large)


Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)




Antonette Alexander (Member at Large)


Bart called the meeting to order at 5:40 pm. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from 8-4-20. Bart seconded the motion and it was approved by all.  Carole will send the minutes to Adam to put on the website.


Mike Doran

Treasurer’s Report :

  • Mike reported that the bank balance for the operating budget is now $105,720.
    • The band balance was paid at $1250 and $100 was paid to the VFW in honor of Rick Gwynn, deceased former BEAA Board member. The motion was made by Mike, seconded by Nick and approved by all via email on 8-18-20.
    • $532 was collected for Music on the Lake at the event and online.
    • The Cost of Goods Sold was $2998.70 for the glassware.
    • Net income from the event was ~$2000, the band was $2500. With the remaining glassware to be sold, all expenses will have been covered.
  • Mike suggested we add the cost of the potential alum treatment to the 2021 budget, along with $5000 for geese control. BEAA matching grant possibilities for 2021 will be added to the November meeting agenda. Carole will send the 2012 report on beneficial projects identified for Bald Eagle lake to all board members.
  • Carole reported that dues paid as of 9-15-20 were $21,825 plus donations of $2150. 158 households paid dues out of around 400 “taxed” households (~40%).
  • Carole reported that total glassware sales were $4465. We have 22 wine and 7 tumblers left.
    • 110 wine glasses were sold; 132 tumblers were sold.
    • 17 sets of 2 wines /2 tumblers
    • 17 sets of 4 tumbler packs
    • 11 sets of 4 wine packs
    • 30 individual tumbler orders
    • 32 individual wine glass orders
    • 25 people paid for delivery to their homes
  • Mike made a motion to earmark $50,000 in our budget for our New Infestation Response Plan (NIRP) emergency fund by investing in a short-term CD. Bart seconded the motion and it was approved by all.
  • $15,000 of the BEAA matching grant funds have been allocated to 3 homeowners and will be paid out to their landscape companies when their deposits are due next spring. All homeowners are doing their 2020 approved projects next spring.  
    • Carole made a motion that BEAA should submit our 30% matching grants for shoreline restoration projects when the homeowner’s 50% deposit is due to the landscaper. The homeowner would pay the remainder of the deposit required.  RCWD then pays their 50% matching grant to the landscaper when the project is completed and passes inspection. The motion was seconded by Mike and all approved.
    • Mike made a motion to indicate that the $15,000 funds allocated for approved 2020 projects, if not assigned in 2020, would roll over to possible grants for 2021. Carole seconded the motion and it was approved by all.



  • Bart discussed the upcoming Annual meeting. Possible locations include the Benson Airport hangar or Adam’s warehouse. Bart will discuss technology issues with Adam and determine the best location.  The Agenda will include a Treasurer’s report from Mike, the Sand Filter in Ditch 11, SAFL baffles, shoreline restorations.   Bart will provide Carole with information about the venue and agenda and Carole will notify association members via Mail Chimp, Facebook and Next Door.  Notifications of the meeting will go out no later than 10/5.
  • Bart mentioned the timing for outgoing members and possible candidates for replacement.
  • Mike reported on the Sand Filter installation on Ditch 11. He provided a report from Kyle Axtell of the RCWD. The pond is nearly completely excavated and the ditch diversion should be re-routed by now. The filters beds will then be constructed. Everything should be done by the end of September. Native vegetation will take some time to grow in. The program will be tested this fall. Full time operations begin Spring 2021.  The water currently is turbid, but it should clear up as the pond settles in and the side slopes get established. They may also remove accumulated sediment along the ditch. They are currently getting bids.   Carole will add this information to our FB page.

From: Kyle Axtell <>
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Sand filter
To: Mike Doran <>
Cc: Matthew Kocian <>


This week we should see significant progress on construction of the IESF project on RCD 11. The pond excavation was more or less completed last week. I haven't been to the site yet this week (I plan to stop by later today), but if the ditch diversion hasn't been rerouted into the pond by the end of the day, I'd be surprised. The diversion channel will then be filled back in and construction will begin on the filter beds, including placement of the various vaults and pipes that will allow us to pump water from the pond up to the filter beds. I am expecting construction to be mostly wrapped up by the end of the month aside from whatever remaining punch-list items we have. Establishment of native vegetation across the site will also take some time to grow in. We intend to test run the system this fall to make sure everything works as designed. Full-time operations will not begin until the spring of 2021.

We are also exploring an option to remove accumulated sediment from the RCD 11 channel directly downstream of the new pond to Park Avenue. There is a nearly 2-foot build-up of sediment in the ditch through that segment and now would be a good time to have our current contractor clean that out. We are still getting pricing and cannot confirm if that will happen right now or not. Removing that sediment has no impact on the IESF project, it would just be a convenience to get it done now and would hopefully save us on cost a little. To my knowledge, the rest of the ditch profile is in pretty good condition downstream.

I can confirm that the ditch has been routed back through the new pond and the diversion has been filled. The pond is quite turbid at the moment, as would be expected. We will likely see cloudy water in RCD 11 for a number of days and possibly weeks as the pond settles. It will be some time yet also before the side slopes are finish graded and stabilized. We ask that BEL area residents remain patient with this for a bit.






  • Mike got an update from Matt Kocien regarding the lake being green last week. Matt stated it was due to the quick cool down, which caused the lake to turnover. He also stated there is still quite a bit of phosphorous in the deep hole on the east side of the island.  He suggested we may want to treat that area with alum to further improve the water quality. Mike will ask Matt for an estimate of the cost for treating that area with alum.

From: Matthew Kocian <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 5:23 PM
To: Mike Doran <>
Cc: Kyle Axtell <>
Subject: Re: Sand filter

 Hi Mike,

Kyle Axtell (cc'd here) is the project manager and can answer any questions.  

Glad to hear that most of the summer had good water clarity.  Many lakes in our watershed did not, and some algae blooms were severe.  Too bad about the late-season bloom on Bald Eagle, but not unexpected.  The big cool-down in early September triggered lake turnover.  Nutrient-rich water from deeper depths got mixed into the surface water.  Then when we had some relatively warm and calm weather, the nutrients fueled an algae bloom.  Not uncommon, and noted on many lakes.  However, it should be less of an issue after the alum treatment.  Our monitoring program on Bald Eagle, which includes surface water and lake bottom (both deep water and lake sediments) indicates that the deep hole just east of the island is still leaking some phosphorus.  It might be worthwhile to consider a "booster" alum application at some point, targeting the deep hole.  This would be much smaller and cheaper than the big treatment, but could have a good impact.  The Bald Eagle Water Management District (special tax district) is set to expire - the charge should be missing from next year's tax statement.  But we did keep the mechanism in place if we (both the RCWD and the BEAA) jointly agree on a project.  I was planning to schedule a meeting with the BEAA this coming winter to discuss further, but you could bring up the idea at your meeting.  Feel free to call tomorrow (tues) if you'd like to discuss further.  

  • Carole updated the Mail Chimp program so glassware purchasers don’t get dues mailings unless they’re also BEAA members. Adam and Carole will figure out a long-term solution this winter.
  • Mike contacted a vendor for geese control regarding pricing, etc. It’s $2000 to trap and remove them plus a DNR permit. Each gosling is $15 a piece and each adult is $25 a piece so about $1000 for 50 geese after the $2000 flat fee and permit.  Geese are a water quality issue around the lake.  We will contact Hugo, Lino Lakes and WB Township for financial support if we get DNR approval.
    • Bart made a motion that Gordy Nelson be on a “sub-committee” to orchestrate geese population control, investigate possible government sponsorship for this purpose and apply for the necessary DNR permit on behalf of BEAA. BEAA would fund this project up to the maximum amount needed, not to exceed $5,000. The motion was seconded by Mike and approved by all. Bart will contact Gordy Nelson regarding this project.





At 7:50 pm Bart made a motion  to adjourn, it was seconded by Molly and approved by all.  


Next meeting date 10-21-20 at 6 pm.  This is the Annual Meeting.  Location and agenda will be determined by Bart.