November 11th, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time: |
11-19-19 at 7:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Carole Moore’s Residence Minutes Approved _1-8-20 |
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Bart Crockett (President) |
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Jim Ascheman (Member at Large) |
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Mike Doran (Treasurer) |
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Adam Moore (Member at Large) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
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Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Antonette Alexander (Member at Large) |
Bart Crockett
- Bart Crockett called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from 9-25-19 and the Annual Board Meeting on 10-23-19. Antonette seconded the motion and it was approved by all.
Mike Doran
Treasurer’s Report
Mike reported that the bank balance for the operating budget is now $84,439. The grant account balance is $20,100. Blue Water Science was paid $300 for the annual meeting presentation. $3831 was paid to Ramsey County for inspections and $100 was paid to MN Lakes and Rivers for our annual membership. There is one outstanding bill, $154, from St. Thomas for our annual meeting postcard mailing.
Bart Crockett
Annual Meeting
- Annual Meeting Feedback
- Bart reported that feedback about our guest speakers was positive. Matt Kocien noted that he appreciated the interaction with the attendees, question/answers, etc. Steve McComas is always an animated/interesting speaker and people seemed to enjoy his presentations.
- It was suggested that next year we might want to invite some local government representatives to speak at the annual meeting.
- Flyer drafted by Jim Ascheman with BEAA, BECHA, BEYC and Benson airport info. Jim added some sailing photos. Bart will get Jim information about ice boating. Once updated, Jim will get Adam a copy to put on the website and will contact Realtors of homes for sale to share this information with potential buyers. Jim will also get Carole a digital copy to include in the welcome brochure mailings she sends to new home purchasers.
- Per Bart, we have some information about grant writers. He will contact Breanna Schafer. Antonette also knows someone in this field.
- Bart reported that we are still not officially a 501c3 organization. He has been in touch with the attorneys.
- Nick will contact WB Township, Hugo and Lino Lakes regarding any dock regulations – length, width, etc. and report back in January. This information would be added to our website.
- Carole will check with someone on WB Lake regarding their “adopt a storm drain” process.
- Adam’s suggestions to create procedure manuals/timelines for Board Matters- Documents will be due at the January Board Meeting.
- Mike will create a document for tax deadlines, banking access/passwords and any other treasurer responsibilities.
- Carole will create a document for her tasks – database management, mailing lists and Mail Chimp account access and other responsibilities.
- Bart will create a document delineating the planning deadlines for the annual board meeting, speaker contact information, venue information and other Presidential tasks/responsibilities.
- Bart , Mike and Antonette will create documents for the annual dinner planning, venue selection deadline, sponsors, silent auction set up, AV equipment, etc.
- Adam will create documentation for the BEAA website management and access to Shopify for online and credit card payments.
- Funding rain gardens/shoreline restoration- Mike made the motion regarding raingarden funding (below) at the October meeting. It was seconded by Carole and approved by the Board. This motion was modified at the 11-19-19 meeting as shown below in red. Adam made the motion to modify, seconded by Jim and approved by the board. This information will be put on Facebook and Next Door by Carole. Carole will also modify the welcome brochure to include rain garden grant information.
I would like to make a motion that BEAA contributes to shoreline restoration and rain gardens that directly affect Bald Eagle Lake runoff and are approved for RCWD matching grants in 2020. Further, I recommend that we set up a budget of $15,000 maximum for this program in 2020 and that we fund up to 30% of the individual projects approved by RCWD.
RCWD will match 50% up to a $7,500 limit. I propose that the Bald Eagle Lake Association cover an additional 30% of the cost, for a dues paying member, with a maximum grant allowance for all projects not to exceed $15,000 in calendar year 2020, leaving the landowner to fund 20% with their funds. So 50% RCWD, 30% BEAA, 20% landowner. BEAA will follow RCWD’s sequence of approval to grant the BEAA funds. Homeowners will contact the BEAA board through if interested in the process.
In light of the Ramsey County Conservation District’s TMLD report of March 2012 for Bald Eagle Lake, in which 20% of the lake’s phosphorous was coming from watershed runoff (and that figure is probably over 30% now with the successful alum treatment targeting the worst culprit- internal loading), it is an appropriate use of funds to further our mission of making Bald Eagle Lake the best that it can be.
Bart will contact Katherine Harris regarding use of her grant funds for raingarden/shoreline restoration matching grants. Adam suggested he also discuss using her grant money to convert culvert run off into the lake, into a more filtered process. It was suggested signs could be created “a Katherine Harris joint rain garden project”, or something along those lines, to give her some credit.
- Bart - a letter was received from WB Township regarding storage of lifts and docks and whether BEAA wanted to make any comments/recommendations to the township board. The BEAA board agreed that we see nothing out of the ordinary around Bald Eagle as compared to nearby lakes. Another concern is that Bald Eagle Lake has 3 municipalities involved with any governance issue. The board came to an agreement that Bart will respond to Tom Rudisill, WB Township, that BEAA is not interested in any ordinances for winter dock/lift storage and that we request Tom notify the BEAA Board if this issue ever appears on a township meeting agenda. The BEAA Board has received no complaints from lake residents regarding this issue. Other local ordinances in the area were researched and displayed a wide variance of guidelines between communities. Carole noted that the north and south shores of White Bear Lake also have docks/lifts on the lakeside and one area on the north shore stores shrink-wrapped pontoons ON trailers, which creates a much larger visibility constraint than anything we see on Bald Eagle Lake.
- Adam – proposed posting the names of paid members on the website. Residents could then see if they’ve paid their dues or not. It might create some accountability between neighbors? Adam also stated that in every piece of information we share on FB/ND, we should thank dues paying households for their financial support which allows activities such as inspections, weed control, rain gardens/shorelines, etc.
- There was some discussion regarding how to increase dues paying membership numbers. In the past, Adam suggested giving a car window decal to dues paying members, or some other “reward” item. Carole adds – maybe the reward is getting their name listed on the website as a “supporting” member, like you see in programs for Lakeshore Players or other programs supported by member dues (high school alums, etc).
- Bart or Mike was going to contact Rick Gwynn to see if he’d be interested in helping on the spring lake clean-up project led by Kevin Lund.
- Bart was going to contact someone from Washington County and invite them to a future board meeting.
Next meeting date 1-8-2020 at Mike Doran’s house, 7 pm
Motion to adjourn made by Mike, seconded by Adam, meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm