May 9th, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Notes for 5-8-19 |
Date / Time: |
May 8, 2019 at 7:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Carole Moore’s Residence |
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Bart Crockett (President) |
Jim Ascheman (Member at Large) |
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Mike Doran (Treasurer) |
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Adam Moore (Member at Large) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Antonette Alexander (Member at Large) |
Bart Crockett
Bart Crockett called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Prior month’s meeting minutes were approved. Per Steve McComas, we have more curly leaf pondweed this year compared to last year. We are expecting a $20k check from the Hegdardt Foundation, courtesy of Katherine Harris. The check is expected in May of this year. Mike made a motion and it was seconded by Carole that we keep the foundation gift in a separate bank account from our operating funds. It will be designated for rapid response in case of an AIS invasion.
Carole Moore
Dues collected
We collected $3850 in dues through the online dinner reservations. Carolewill place an ad in the WB Press, thanking all who donated to the silent auction. Carole will work on drafting a “welcome” brochure we could send to new homeowners.
Auctions resultswere reported as follows:
We net 63% of the Fair Market Value of the items. We net 131% of the Minimum Bid values. Most minimum bids were set at 50% of Fair Market Value. The average amount spent, per person, on auction items was $97.50. Some items didn’t get into the auction. Next year we will ensure all auction items get to the dinner and have Bid Sheets and a certificate or information on how to collect the auction item, if it’s a service, not a product.
Mike Doran
Treasurer’s Report
Mike reported that we had 134 attending the dinner, with 146 who paid for dinner. The net revenue was approximately $18,412. Mike distributed a report showing the details of the 2019 dinner and prior year comparisons. More Bald Eagle Logo coolers were sold at the Board meeting and board members purchased leftover wine, so the net revenue will be slightly higher than this figure. The bank balance is now $75,120.
Bart Crockett
New Business
A dinner date was discussed for next year. It was suggested we do it a little later, so more snow birds are back. The date chosen was April 23, 2020. Antonettewill check with Dellwood on availability.
Molly and Nick suggested we add another event this summer. They proposed having a band on the lake, boat up to shore for food, BYOB, and collect contributions to BEAA. Molly and Nickwill explore finding a band and a date. Nick will check with his friend and Mikewill check with his son-in-law regarding music and will check on insurance/liability issues. It was suggested we could hold it on Neighborhood Night Out.
Bart talked with Blake Dalbec, a Lake Association member from Forest Lake. Forest Lake has many corporate sponsors. It was suggested we try to do the same. We will need to do more development on our website as well, to get more traffic and become a larger presence.
Bartwill work on developing a membership drive plan to expand members and collect dues.
Bart reported that the Wright County Inspection program reportedly failed due to lack of organization and reporting. Justin Townsend, RCD, suggested we have a Demand Decontamination unit hoping for voluntary compliance. Bart reminded the Board that we do NOT pay for curly leaf pondweed treatments, but we do contribute 50% of the cost through our tax assessment. Rice Creek Watershed District will be doing surveys for milfoil. RCWD contributes to its treatment. Bart suggested we try to get a volunteer group to do rock turning at the boat launch and the south shore, to check for zebra mussels. Kathy Fleming might be able to spearhead the efforts.
Bartwill call Lake Restoration for a quote on Eurasian Milfoil treatments.
Mike Doran
New Business
Mike brought up the issue of dues for 2019. It was tabled until the next meeting.
Possible treatment areas funded by BEAA will be determined by the surveys by RCWD and BWS. We do not yet have the public landing inspection schedule from the DNR, but it appears to be quite minimal.
Bartwill check with Justin on the scheduled hours.
Mike suggested we send out a “save the date” for the annual meeting. Suggested dates were October 22,23 or 24 , but we need to avoid MEA week and secure a location.
Our special tax assessment continues until 2022 to pay back the alum treatment expense.
Mike made a motion to reduce the dues to $100 for lakeshore owners and $50 for deeded access homeowners. After much discussion, Mike retracted his motion. Antonette then made a motion to keep the lakeshore homeowner dues at $150 and reduce the deeded access homeowner dues to $75. Mike seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the board.
A motion was made by Mike to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Bart and approved by the Board. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Next meeting is set for June 13th, 7 pm at Carole Moore’s.