BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 5-18-22

Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

5-18-22 6:00 pm


Deb Donovan’s house

Approved   6-13-22




Meg Rapheal (President)- remotely


Doug Mulder  (Vice President)


Antonette Alexander (Treasurer)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Molly Ertle (Member at Large)


Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large


Sue Wade (Member at Large)


Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)


Deb Donovan (Member at Large)






The March minutes were approved and the April minutes were approved with modifications. 


Antonette Alexander

Treasurer’s Report

  • Payments/Reimbursements:
    • $29 monthly Shopify fee and an $8.30 Shopify adjustment
  • The bank balance is $106,003.
  • The NIRP Fund Balance is $50,035.
  • Antonette is working with a tax advisor and the extension for Form 990 has been filed. She is meeting next Wednesday with a CPA to file the return electronically, as is now required.


Dues Payments to date by Carole Moore

  • As of 5/10/22, $31,325 has been received in dues payments. 211 households paid which is about 50% of lakeshore homeowners or those with deeded access.  $1700 in donations was received.
  • In 2021 at year end, we had received $27,550 in dues from 201 households and $2090 in donations.
  • It was agreed that Carole could send out reminders through all avenues to increase dues payments.


Meg Rapheal – President’s Report

  • Meg reported that only 5 people have signed up for the paddleboard event. Per Alison Drusch, late sign-ups are not atypical. Stacey Bresina has offered to help with the event. Carole will re-post reminders on Facebook, Next Door and Mail Chimp.   
  • There was some discussion about needing a permit to hold a raffle at the Annual Dinner. Antonette reported that the fee would be $100.


Doug Mulder - Vice President Report


  • Doug is still waiting for information from Justin Townsend re: boat launch inspections. Both Meg and Doug have communicated with him.  It was determined to stay at $3000/year for supplemental boat inspections. Justin said inspections will start on Memorial Day weekend.
  • Doug is also waiting for information from WB Township regarding have a booth at Township Days in September. They expected to send out applications in mid-February. It was decided NOT to participate in Township Days this year.
  • Doug talked with Paul Burke of Graffic Traffic. We will open the store again before Music on the Lake and reduced the number of items to reflect those that were most popular, along with some new items. Refresh Glass may be a new product we offer in the future.  They make wine glasses out of recycled wine bottles and can add our logo.  They are sold for $20-$25/pair.
  • Doug has been in touch with Kathy Fleming on AIS support efforts.
  • Adopt a Drain is a go for BEAA support. Doug made a motion to go ahead with our support of this program.  It was seconded by Antonette and approved by all.  Molly will get a quote for about 20-30 signs.  The drains needing adopting are on a map on the website and addresses can be captured there.  Melissa Telsrow, one of our new web team volunteers, can do graphics and offered to help with the sign design.  The signs will state something like “adopt this drain”, or “adopt me”, etc., and will direct them to go to to sign up, etc.  Maybe when we get some adopted, we can publish that information on our website, through Mail Chimp, etc., to encourage more volunteers to adopt drains.
  • Carole will try to get more detail on what’s not adopted, but if anyone else has time, that would be great.


Nick Guzzo - Music on the Lake

  • Molly brought the signs to the meeting for board members to put up on June 1st.
  • Nick will check to see when the balance is due to be paid to the band.
  • Nick has talked with Beth Arnter and she will move forward with a permit to close that section of Bald Eagle Blvd E. The permit will be for closure from 1 pm to 6 pm, to allow time for band set up/strike down, etc.
  • Nick has checked with some food truck contacts. Savoy was asking for $750 minimum.  Nick will ask if they’d be a sponsor to help cover cost of the band.
  • Nick will check with Starlette’s Web about having Brian Bonin perform during their intermission.
  • Bart Crockett will provide Jersey Mike’s sandwiches for the band. Nick will confirm with Bart.
  • Brad Mason agreed to help with the event.
  • Meg has access to a tent. Molly will check with Jen Goudreau to see if they still have tents we could borrow.
  • Nick/Molly will ask Beth Arnter to put notices in the newspaper boxes on the block involved with the closure.
  • It was suggested we collect donations by boat again – with Venmo or cash.
  • Antonette will check to see if Venmo is working. Carole is happy to be a customer to test it out.


Deb Donovan – Annual Dinner

  • Molly will confirm with Dave Bossard that he can be our Dellwood sponsor.
  • Deb is designing the invitations which will go out via USPS and Mail Chimp, and Carole will post on FB and Next Door.
  • Bistro tables need to be rented this year. 10 tables will be $102.
  • Jack will run the Ten Times game again this year.
  • Kristi Gavin will run the Liquor Raffle again.
  • Each board member is asked to bring a nice bottle of wine and a nice bottle of hard liquor for the raffles. Please bring them to Deb before the July board meeting.
  • Meg will be Master of Ceremonies
  • Adam Moore was contacted about the sound system, but he no longer has access to that. It was from Citadel Floors.
  • The auction will have more experiences and bundles of things – probably 50-75 items total.
  • The use of QR codes for payments is being investigated.
  • There will also be a “buy now” option, so people don’t have to bid, they can just commit to an item.
  • Deb will send out a list of things needed regarding the dinner.
  • Doug will send information about Refresh Glass wine glasses for possible sales at the dinner, depending on sales tax issues.
  • We will try to have a slideshow at the dinner from the collection of photos the web team is gathering.



Carole –

  • Carole has met with the web team volunteers, Melissa Telsrow and Kelly Moore. They are moving ahead  and making great strides with website improvements.  One or both of them will be at the June Board meeting to show us the new, proposed version.  Perhaps we could launch what we have at that time.
  • Carole has updated dates/terms for all board members. Meg stated we should start planning farther in advance so we replace those outgoing board members with the skill sets needed to continue covering various responsibilities of each board member. It was suggested that after the 1st 3 year term, subsequent terms (up to a maximum of an additional 3 years per our by-laws) could be reviewed/decided upon, on an annual basis.
  • Carole brought up that our BEAA board address is still listed as Bart’s residence. Doug will check on pricing for a PO box at UPS or USPS so we won’t have to continually update legal documents.  Dues and other payments could still be sent to a different address for processing or that person could just collect from the PO box as needed.
  • The web team asked if board members would want personal emails on the website. The universal response was “no”. Homeowners can still contact us through  Carole gets those emails and can forward on as needed.  The board did agree to adding our photos and a short bio to the website.
  • Carole brought the Conflict of Interest annual sign off sheet to the meeting. Sue and Meg were absent, but Carole will get their signatures at the June meeting. This should probably be addressed annually after new board members are elected.
  • Carole brought a draft of an item to be put on the website, at the design team’s suggestion. It explains the terms of the board members and the election process.  The proposed documentation was approved for use on the website.
  • Carole provided a current list of shoreline restoration grant applicants. There are 10 interested households at this time. Rice Creek Watershed must first approve the applicants’ grants before they can be eligible for a matching grant from BEAA.


At 8:10, Doug made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Carole and approved by all.


Next meeting is June 13th at Carole’s house.