March 4th Meeting Minues
x Bart Crockett (President)
x Mike Doran (Treasurer)
x Carole Moore (Secretary)
x Molly Ertle (Member at Large)
x Jim Ascheman (Member at Large)
x Adam Moore (Member at Large)
x Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large
Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)
x Antonette Alexander (Member at Large)
Bald Eagle Area Association Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time: Location:
3-4-2020 at 6:00 pm CST Carole Moore’s Residence Minutes Approved 5-6-2020
Bart called the meeting to order at 6:20pm. Jim made a motion to approve the minutes from 2-9-20. Molly seconded the motion and it was approved by all. Carole will send the minutes to Adam to put on the website.
Mike Doran
Treasurer’s Report
Mike reported that the bank balance for the operating budget is now $79,951. It was discussed that we still want to help fund an inspection presence at the boat launch. It was suggested to cap that expenditure at $3,000. We have an application to complete for boat launch inspections. It was tabled to the next meeting. Mike proposed a budget for 2020. A motion was made by Carole to move the shoreline restoration line item out of the operating budget and pull it from the Grant account. The motion was seconded by Adam and approved by all. The “Music on the Lake” budget line item was increased from $1500 to $2000. Jack made a motion to approve the revised budget. The motion was seconded by Adam and approved by all. We We approved a budget with revenues of $30k and expenses of $26k for a budget surplus of $4k
Antonette Alexander
Annual Dinner Report
Invitations arrived in the mail on 3/3/20. Carole will continue to post reminders on Next Door and Facebook.
will be finalizing the menu with Dellwood.
have taken over ordering the low travel tumblers for a sale item. It was decided to order 100
with the logo. They will be made from stainless steel and sell one for $20, or 2 for $30. The cost and shipping
are not yet confirmed.
Bart will contact Nathan Landucci for a donation.
Logo decals - It was discussed that we have our BEAA logo decals made. Adam will confirm pricing and
possibility of having them available by the dinner. We would want to order 300.
Adam will continue to follow up on prior year donors.
Jim will be Adam’s main point of contact to pick up auction items and get them to Antonette- he will delegate
to others as needed.
Carole will deliver items dropped off by Nick to Antonette when she’s set up to receive them.
o Arewehandingoutlogodecalsatthedinner?Orareweonlymailingthemtothosewhopaiddues?
BEAA Magnets are completed and Carole will store them.
Carole volunteered to write personal thank you’s to the 2020 auction item donors.
Carole will send list of 2019 dues paying members to Mike (done 3-4)
Antonette and Leigh
Bart and Leigh
• Carole will include the magnets in the dues reminder mailings... actually, the mail processor will be adding
them in.
• For those who’ve already paid their dues at the time of the mailing, Carole will send out a thank you note and
a magnet (which I could start doing now?)
Mike will make a sign to have at the dinner thanking Katherine Harris and other donors. 2’ x 3’
Anne Murray will do a dinner attendance drive. Bart or Molly will communicate with her. Carole can get her a
list of those who’ve signed up , if she’d like.
Nick will create an Instagram account for BEAA.
Adam will send Jim the real estate listings of homes sold in last 12 months and continue sending him the real estate
listings of home sales activity as he does to Carole.
Jim will get welcome packet materials and list of sold homes to Jody McCormick for her to door knock/distribute on
an ongoing basis.
Bart - has 2020 watercraft inspection application been sent in? What funding will we be responsible for? (Carole
emailed Bart the form on 3-4-20)
New Business
Adam suggested that next year we try to get sponsor levels, “Gold, Platinum, Silver, Bronze”, etc. for cash donations. Many lake homeowners may not have businesses that could donate items, but they could contribute cash to BEAA.
Jim suggested we contact WB Township about spring leaf clean up and get something out to lake homeowners. Jim will be in touch with the Township.
Adam can set up the Shopify online purchasing website to track campaigns, remind people to complete purchases etc., and use Mailchimp emails as the vehicle.
Bart to report on his contact with Breanna Shafer about how to find grants that may be available to us.
Bart and Adam will turn in their BEAA job descriptions
Discuss inviting local govt. reps to a board meeting - Becky Petryk, Jeremy Estenson, Tom Riedesel, Fran MIron
Invite DNR Metro East Fishery Expert to annual meeting?
Get local cable to record annual meeting?
Motion to adjourn made by Jim, seconded by Bart, meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm
Next meeting date 4-9-2020 at Carole Moore’s house, 6 PM. (cancelled due to Covid-19, re-scheduled to 5-6-2020)