March 18th, 2019 Meeting Minutes




Meeting Notes   Approved: 4-1-19


Date / Time:

March 18 at 6:30pm CST


Carole Moore’s Residence





Bart Crockett (President)


Jim Ascheman (Member at Large)


Mike Doran (Treasurer)


Adam Moore (Member at Large)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)


Molly Ertle (Member at Large)


Antonette Alexander (Member at Large)



Bart Crockett


Bart Crockett called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm. Prior month’s meeting minutes were approved. A motion was made by Mike Doran to post all approved minutes on our website. Motion was seconded by Jim Ascheman and approved by board unanimously.  Carole will submit all approved minutes to Adam for posting on the website.  This will happen regularly from here forward.


Carole Moore

Dinner Reservations:

54 people have paid for the annual dinner.  The goal for 2019 is 200 attendees. 2019 dues paid online totaled $1900.

Carole will post reminders on Facebook, NextDoor and the WB Press has been notified to put the event in their listings weekly. Carole had business cards printed up with BEAA contact and basic information.  These will be scattered around the tables the night of the dinner. 


New owners:

Carole will work with Adam to find listings of newly sold homes and properties for sale. Carole keeps track as she sees for sale signs now, to keep the data base current.  BEAA will develop a “welcome package” to mail to new homeowners. It was suggested Molly/Nick may be able to help develop a welcome package.


Mike Doran

Treasurer’s Report  

There has been little activity since the last meeting with the exception of the mailing costs for the dinner invitations at $574.71.  The bank balance is approximately $50k.  Mike will be following up to be sure taxes are filed and annual renewals are made to the Secretary of State.  Insurance issues about the board, liabilities, errors/omissions, etc. were brought up. Mike will follow up and Carole also has a connection that may be helpful.


Bart Crockett

Amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

The Bald Eagle NIRP plan has been finalized for now and a cover letter has been prepared by Bart to accompany the document.  We may be able to get some grant money from a foundation and these documents will provide good information to those considering donations.   A few copies of the NIRP plan will be available at the AIS table at the dinner, which will be manned by Jim Ascheman and Kathy Fleming. The NIRP plan will also be uploaded to the website.


 Jim Ascheman

AIS report

Jim has been in touch with EarthTech regarding the Zebra Mussel chemical treatment which can be localized. He has suggested to them that they develop a dispensing system, which could hang off of individual docks, deterring zebra mussels from anchoring on the adjacent pipes/boats, etc.   He will further investigate testing options.  The device/treatment may need to be permitted as it is a copper based product.  The DNR will need to be involved before moving forward.   The board agreed that any decisions about the process of treating zebes, new or current infestations, would be deferred to the experts for guidance.


Bart will follow up with Wright County on their pilot programs.  The next step would be to coordinate decontamination efforts with White Bear Lake.


Clean up after ice houses:

Carole Moore brought up the issue after noticing a planned event for White Bear Lake.  Members stated Kevin Lund on Hobe Lane, has been organizing his own “unofficial” cleanup process using 4-wheelers, etc.  Carole will contact Kevin about setting up something more formal and getting the community, scouts, VFW involved to have a bigger impact on the trash melting into the lake in the spring.  If he has any plans this year, BEAA can try to spread the word. It would be great to have a more formal/annual plan going forward.  Carole will contact Kevin about spearheading the process.


Fundraising Dinner:

Antonette will be contacting Dellwood the week of 3/18 regarding menus, set up, etc.  There will be a designated table for AIS information, a table for purchasing BEAA logo items, and table space for check in and check out.  There will be both high tops and sit down tables, as there were last year.  Salty snacks will be provided on each table before dinner.


There was much discussion regarding how to improve the check out process. We will use the 2 part NCR forms. The 2 parts will NOT be separated until payment has been received.  Antonette will create a spreadsheet of the auction items so form of payment can be tracked and reconciliation of funds received can be facilitated.


  • Mike will be provide the name tags, pens and sharpie markers.
  • Adam will provide the speaker/sound system and an adequate number of credit card swipers.
  • Adam will be in charge of overseeing the check out process, especially with regard to credit card processing.
  • Adam – there will need to be credit card swipers at check in, as well, for last minute payments or product purchases.
  • Bart/Leigh have access to 2 swipers.
  • Antonette will arrange for balloons to help direct people at check out time.
  • Nick and Molly will direct traffic for check out.
  • Check out tables will be numbered by item #, such as items 1-50 and 50-100, but each check out station will have access to both lists of items as some members may win auctions on more than one list.
  • It was suggested we have separate tables for cash, check and credit card payments.
  • Nick stated he could get water mats, 10’ for $360. Retail is $600. He could also get vests and tubes.
    • It was decided to just offer the mats this year.
  • Nick will set up information for the water mats. We’d take orders and then fulfill as needed through vendor.
  • Nick also has information about someone who will bring in sports memorabilia. That was approved.
  • V dock offered a 50% discount
  • Bart will arrange for 6 signs for notification of the dinner.
  • Mike will provide change for cash payments
  • Nick will advance BEAA issues on Twitter and Instagram.
  • Jim will have extra samplers at the AIS table
  • Carole has 8 x 10 plex holders that could be used at various stations – 8 x 10 document size. Let her know if certain signs are desired.
  • Set up will begin on 4/11 at noon and then back again at 5 pm.
  • Carole will contact Evelyn Duvall to see if she’ll agree to be the “photographer” so we have pictures to share on Facebook, Instagram, the WB Press and our website.



Taxation through Ramsey County.

Jim Ascheman made a motion that we support continuance of the tax option.  The motion was seconded by Antonette and passed unanimously.



A motion was made by Mike to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Bart and approved by the Board. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 


Next meeting is set for April 1st, 7 pm, at Mike Doran’s.