January 8th, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Bald Eagle Area Association Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time: Location:
1-8-2020 at 7:00 pm CST Mike Doran’s Residence Minutes Approved 2-9-2020
x Jim Ascheman (Member at Large) x Adam Moore (Member at Large) x Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large x Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)
x Antonette Alexander (Member at Large)
Kevin Lund was present before the board meeting, to discuss the “Lake Clean Up Party” after ice houses are removed. Adam will check into the cost of a 30 yd dumpster, estimated to be around $500 from Walters. Mike made a motion to approve up to $750 for the dumpster expense and dumping fees. The motion was seconded by Adam and approved by all. Kevin will make pokers to pick up trash. 4 wheelers or snowmobiles will help collect trash. Per Kevin, tying on 5-gallon buckets works well. The dumpster will be at the boat launch. Kevin will contact Ramsey Co and WB Township regarding this event. Carole will notify the WB Press, Facebook and Next Door and send a mass e-mail about the plans. First date planned will be 2/29 , 11 am – 3 pm at the boat launch. If that doesn’t work, we’ll go out to 3/7. All activities are dependent on the weather and ice conditions. Mike will ask Gary if he’d be willing to grill lakeside for the volunteers. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Ramsey County Beach, bring garbage bags if walking. Yak Trax and snow shoes may be appropriate gear. Bring ATV’s with 5-gallon buckets tied on, 4 wheelers with utility trailers, sleds, garbage containers, etc. It will go a lot faster with motorized vehicles vs. just walking.
Bart Crockett
Bart Crockett called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from 11-19-19, Antonette seconded the motion and it was approved by all. Carole will send it to Adam to put on the website.
Mike Doran
Treasurer’s Report
Mike reported that the bank balance for the operating budget is now $85,035. The grant account balance is $20,085, as some funds were used to print checks. Mike will present the 2020 budget at the next board meeting. It was discussed that we still want to help fund an inspection presence at the boat launch. It was suggested to cap that expenditure at $3,000.
Mike contacted the Ramsey County Sheriff to get information about activity on the lake last year. There were 36 “reported” incidents during the calendar year.
Bart Crockett
Bart will contact Justin Townsend to clarify BEAA role in 2020 boat launch inspections. o Atwhattemperaturedoweedsdiebackinfall?
o ConsiderinspectionsinOctobertocoverMuskiefishermen -
Bart will invite someone from Wright County to a Board meeting after our Annual Dinner with the intent of learning more about their decontamination unit program.
Jack will contact Lino Lakes and Hugo regarding their willingness to have a representative come to a future Board Meeting to discuss our mutual goals/roles in lake management.
Bart will make a formal, written response to Tom Riedesel on the docks/lifts issue, stating it’s NOT an issue.
It was suggested we invite Tom Riedesel to attend our annual meeting next fall.
We have a final version of Jim’s flyer ready for distribution. Jim never heard back from Bill Reed regarding ice boating information. Jim’s flyer will be included in the welcome flyer to new home owners. Adam will add Jim to the Real Estate mailings he sends Carole, so Jim can drop off his flyer/welcome information to new homeowners without having to wait until property tax records are updated.
Adam, Molly and Nick will work on possibly modifying the welcome letter and creating a magnet to highlight the annual events sponsored by BEAA.
Bart reported on the tax-exempt status We are still not “officially” tax exempt. We will however, be using the same Tax ID number. Bart will check to see if we could be sure to get this completed by the annual dinner. If/when we receive it, Mike is to investigate interest earning accounts.
Carole will revise the Raingarden Grant document and send to Antonette and Jack for final approval. She will also check on possible before/after photos for the raingardens installed on Bald Eagle Lake. Once the document is finalized, she will include RCWD hand outs and will post information on FB, ND and send it to the WB Press. She will schedule on FB so the posting repeats monthly. This piece will also be added to the welcome packet information.
Bart will contact Breanna Schafer sometime in February re: grant writing or finding grant monies.
Procedure manuals/timelines for Board Matters were due at this meeting. Carole and Mike completed theirs.
Antonette, Adam and Bart will work on theirs and have them done by the May board meeting.
o Bart will create a document delineating the planning deadlines for the annual board meeting, speaker contactinformation, venue information and other Presidential tasks/responsibilities.
o Bart, Mike and Antonette will create documents for the annual dinner planning, venue selection deadline,sponsors, silent auction set up, AV equipment, etc.
o Adam will create documentation for the BEAA website management and access to Shopify for online andcredit card payments.
Bart talked to Katherine Harris about using her grant for rain gardens/culvert conversions and she was in full
agreement. Bart will talk with her about her interest in publicizing her contribution and/or presenting her an award at
the annual meeting.
Nick reported on Hugo, WB Twp and Lino Lakes dock regulations and he also contacted the DNR Division of Waters.
There are very few guidelines or restrictions. The docks in WB township are supposed to be 10’ from each side line.
There are no restrictions on length or # of boats on a dock.
Carole reported on the “adopt a storm drain” program, which is not affiliated with any lake associations. Carole will
publish this information in March initially, and then monthly, to FB, ND and notify WB Press again.
o Go to www.adopt-a-drain.org.
o Info there on how it works. 15 minutes 2x/month to clean drains. You type in your zip code and availabledrains ready for adoption show it. You select the one you want and are requested to report back with info on the
volume of what you retrieve/clean up so the program can consolidate data.
Adam will post something on the website thanking our 2019 dues paying members and listing their names. Carole
will get him that list.
ANNUAL DINNER PLANS: (Carole has reviewed notes/plans/issues from last year and will include on Feb. agenda)
Adam will take over contacting donors from the past. He will delegate parts of the list to Molly and Nick and they will report back to him directly.
Mike will go ask previously unsolicited or non-contributing businesses.
We will no longer have the wine toss game or the AIS presentation table
Antonette developed a plan for sub-committees and assignments as follows:
o Adam in charge of prior donors with assistance from Molly and Nick o Molly willd evelop some product sales ideas
o Mike will recruit new donations
o Leigh,Jack,Carole and Jim will help with picking up donations
o Antonette will collect and store donations
o Mike, Molly and Jim will check their storage areas for signs from lasty ear’s dinner
o Consider Poster of Dues Paying Members from 2019
Motion to adjourn made by Mike, seconded by Adam, meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm Next meeting date 2-9-2020 at Carole Moore’s house, 4-6 pm