Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

2-15-22 6:00 pm via Zoom


Carole Moore’s house

Approved   3-16-22




Meg Rapheal (President)


Doug Mulder  (Vice President) (remotely)


Antonette Alexander (Treasurer)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Molly Ertle (Member at Large) (remotely)


Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large


Sue Wade (Member at Large)


Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)


Deb Donovan (Member at Large)




Jody McCormick joined us before the meeting to discuss BEAA membership drive possibilities. She will help the board stuff envelopes for the dues mailing on 3/16.  Jody has reviewed the letter, as well.  Doug will check into getting BEAA logo decals to include in the dues letter mailing to promote community spirit.  Jody suggested trying to create sub-groups within the membership to make contact more personal, perhaps making a BEAA neighborhood night out type gathering in various neighborhoods around the lake. There could be a “leader” of that neighborhood for communications and events.  Antonette suggested there could be neighborhood BBQ’s or some other social events.  Some possibilities included neighborhood Bingo nights,  bring a friend nights, etc. 



Doug made a motion to  approve the minutes from the January Board Meeting. It was seconded by Sue and approved by all.  Carole will put the meeting minutes on the website.


THE NEXT MEETING DATE IS Wednesday, 3/16, 5 PM AT MEG’S, with dues mailing processing to start at 6 pm.


Antonette Alexander

Treasurer’s Report

Antonette reported that $29 was paid in January for Shopify fees and we received one dues payment for $150.00. The bank balance is $148,851.  Of that $78,723 is in the operating budget. The NIRP fund remains at $50,035.


Meg Rapheal

President’s Report:

Meg updated the dues letter.  Carole will get copies made.  Various board members volunteered to label and stamp the envelopes before the 3/16/22 gathering to stuff envelopes.   Carole will send out the email filtered and to only those who are lake homeowners or have deeded property on a community dock around March 16th.  Carole  will email the volunteer request letter at her convenience and post it on FB and Next Door, Nick will do so on Instagram.


There was some discussion about trying to find a secure investment that might bring in more revenue with the NIRP funds. The CD it’s in now will expire in April 2022.   Deb will check into this issue as her son manages investment funds for non-profits. Carole made a motion to accept the budget for 2022.  It was seconded by Sue and approved by all.


MN Lakes and Rivers Survey: 

Meg will coordinate with Doug and Carole to complete a MN Lakes/Rivers survey. The date was set for February 24th, 7 pm.   Carole will create the zoom invitation


Bald Eagle Women’s Club

Meg and Doug attended a zoom meeting with the Bald Eagle Women’s Club.  They had a prepared 45 minutes PowerPoint presentation noting where lake dues are spent and other historical information about BEAA.  Their message focused on maintaining water quality, weed treatments and BEAA’s presence in the community.  Meg sent the presentation to all board members.


Lake Clean Up:

Clean-up will be March 5th. Molly will coordinate with Kevin Lund.  Carole will send a notice to the WB Press and post on Facebook and Next Door; Nick will post on Instagram. Several board members will be unavailable to participate.


Annual Dinner:

Meg will get Carole a paper copy of the Dellwood signed contract.  The photo version was not readable.


Annual Meeting Date – Confirmed for  October 13th  at Boatworks Commons.


Doug Mulder - Vice President - attending remotely.

Doug is still waiting for information from Justin Townsend re: boat launch inspections.  Doug expects that we will need to pay more for boat inspections this year, as implied to him by Justin Townsend.   Doug is also waiting for information from WB Township regarding have a booth at Township Days.  They expected to send out applications in mid-February.


Doug attended a virtual AIS webinar about applying for grants.  He contacted Mike Doran and Matt Kocien regarding the issue, as well. Matt stated he would apply for grants from RCWD for Curlyleaf pondweed treatments. Matt stated BEAA could also try to apply for the grant monies as the grants are targeted for lake associations. We could try for a Eurasian Milfoil treatment grant, although we haven’t needed any treatments for the last 2 years. Matt wasn’t sure if RCWD would give grants for both curlyleaf and Eurasian milfoil treatments.


Doug will collect proceeds from our pre-holiday Graffic Traffic sale.  Doug was also going to review product choices and perhaps make some changes before the next store opening.  The board needs to decide on the next open store date, which should precede Music on the Lake for funding purposes.


Nick Guzzo - Music on the Lake

Nick has a signed contract with Starlet’s Web.  The $500 deposit has been paid and Tracy Crockett agreed to having it on his shoreline again this year.  The concert could be from 3-6 pm or 2-5 pm.  There was no discussion about Brandon Bonin, who Meg had mentioned as a possible opening act.


At 7:45 Carole made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Jack and approved by all.



EXCEPTION:  Due to vacations, the next meeting will 3/16/22 be from 5-6 pm at Meg’s and dues envelope stuffing will start at 6 pm.