BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 12-13-2021
Date / Time: |
12-13-2021 at 6:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Doug Mulder’s house |
Approved 1-10-2022å |
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Meg Rapheal (President) |
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Doug Mulder (Vice President) |
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Antonette Alexander (Treasurer) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
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Sue Wade (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Deb Donovan (Member at Large) |
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes from the November Board Meeting. It was seconded by Jack and approved by all. Carole will put the meeting minutes on the website.
Antonette Alexander
Treasurer’s Report :
- The proposed 2022 budget was discussed. Antonette will update the budget draft based on the meeting discussion and the board will vote on it at the January 10th
- The bank operating balance as of 11/30/2021 is $81,635, plus the $50,017 in the NIRP fund.
- Expenses include $313 for the WB Press auction thank you ad, $7331 in shoreline restoration grants awarded to two homeowners, $29 in Shopify fees and $100 to MN Lakes and Rivers.
Jack report on insurance policies:
Jack stated we have $1,000,000 in BEAA liability insurance as well as $1,000,000 in Directors and Officers Liability insurance.
Jack also reported on his review of our By-laws and will offer some simplifications to submit to an attorney. We will continue to have an odd number of board members and at the annual meeting, only “new” members need to be elected. Members do not need to vote for those who are in the middle of a term. Jack noted that the mailing address in the By-Laws is Bart Crockett’s residence. It was decided to return to using a PO box. Doug will check with the Post Office and UPS regarding the costs.
Meg Rapheal
President’s Report:
Meg opened discussion on defining the event dates for 2022. She also stated that many women in the paddleboard group are interested in helping BEAA.
Music on the Lake – 7/2/2022
- Nick and Molly will work on Music on the Lake
- Nick will bring some band proposals for the January meeting.
- We believe we can use Tracy Crockett’s property again – he has a wood deck area lakeside now.
Annual Dinner – 8/18/2022 . The silent auction may change style for 2022.
- Sue and Deb will work on event planning together.
- Doug offered to help coordinate the silent auction ideas.
- It was also suggested that we invite community dock presidents to a board meeting or that a board member attend one of their meetings to help increase membership in BEAA.
- Annual Meeting – Thursday, October 13, 2022. Someone needs to reserve the space at Boatworks Commons.
- Lake Clean up – is generally the first weekend in March, unless ice out starts sooner. Carole will contact Kevin Lund to see if he’d coordinate it in 2022. Meg stated Kathy Hawks will help.
- AIS Coordinator – Jim Ascheman has agreed to continue on in this role, but suggested we find an additional person for follow through, coverage for informational webinars, etc.
- Spring event - No dates defined, but Meg stated Alison Drusch and Bridgett Cavanaugh are willing to help.
- WB Township days booth in September - Doug will contact the Township to determine the date and the cost of BEAA having a booth there.
- Winter activity - no decisions were made about a possible ice rink or paved walking path on the lake.
Jack made a motion that 2022 dues be $150 per household. Nick seconded the motion and it was approved by all.
Experience has shown that lowering the price for community dock members did not expand membership, it only reduced BEAA dues income.
It was suggested that the dues request letter include good information about where the dues are spent. Doug stated he’d contact Justin Townsend about what BEAA contributed to boat launch inspections. Carole will send Justin’s contact information to Doug.
Meg has talked with Jody McCormick and she and Kathy Bradley will help with the dues drive. Carole will send the 2021 dues letter to Doug and Meg for updating. The dues letter typically goes out in late February or early March, so if we are using the postal service, we need to allow about 4-6 weeks for processing and delivery. We might want to consider including the 2022 shoreline grant piece in the mailing, as well as a proposed volunteer request letter Carole drafted for the December meeting. This will move on to the January agenda.
Meg requested that Carole create a Google Map identifying where “Dues paying” members live.
Shoreline Grants funds for 2022:
Carole will be sending all board members the 2021 shoreline grant notifications for review/revision. She will also send a draft of a “request for volunteers” letter. Dues, grants and volunteer issues will be added to the January meeting agenda.
Antonette asked a question regarding how the BEAA board would view a community dock area applying for a shoreline grant. All agreed that it would be considered as a single “entity” and would be available for a grant just as any individual homeowner’s property would be.
At 8:15pm, Jack made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Meg and approved by all. Jack inquired about moving the meeting time back to 7 pm, but all board members present preferred to keep it at 6 pm.
MEETING DATES ARE THE 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH. Next meeting is Monday, January 10, 6 pm at Carole Moore’s home.