BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 9-21-22
Date / Time: |
9-21-22 6:00 pm |
Location: |
Meg Rapheal’s house |
Approved 10/10/22 |
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Meg Rapheal (President) |
Doug Mulder (Vice President) |
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Antonette Alexander (Treasurer) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
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Sue Wade (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Deb Donovan (Member at Large) |
Meg made a motion to approve the August meeting minutes. Molly seconded and all approved.
Carole will add them to the website.
Antonette Alexander - Treasurer’s Report
- The operating budget balance as of 8/31/22 is $131,311.
- The NIRP Fund Balance is $50,042.
- It was decided to seek a volunteer CPA for our annual tax return filing after this year’s has been filed/approved.
Dues Payments to date by Carole Moore
- As of 9/25/22, $32,825 has been received in dues payments. 52% of lakeshore homeowners or those with deeded access have paid dues. $1850 in general donations was received YTD.
- In 2021 at year end, we had received $27,550 in dues from 201 households and $2090 in donations.
- As of this date, we received $13,200 for dinner reservations for 178 people, with 139 attending. For the 2021 dinner, we raised $15,750 with 210 registrations. Not all who register attended.
- Carole will ask the web team to remove the “deeded access” option under dues payment, since every homeowner now pays the same amount. This will clean up Shopify reports. She will also ask that there be separate photos/buttons for Music on the Lake, General Fund Donations and AIS donations, again to clarify donors’ intent specifically and make it more obvious for them to choose the correct button.
Meg Rapheal – President’s Report
- New board members elect, Jenn Anderson and Laura Shepler, will be present at our annual meeting to be voted into office.
- The signs for the annual meeting will be put up this week. Each board member was asked to take one for placement.
- Doug and Meg will draft the agenda for the annual meeting and bring copies for attendees.
- Jack will get the key for Boatworks Commons and take care of any AV equipment that may be needed.
- Meg is going to ask Doug to review the website,, to see if any drains have been adopted since the signs were placed. This data would be reported at the annual meeting.
- Carole will provide 3 check-in lists for the annual meeting. Dues could be paid by check, venmo or online. Several members volunteered to help with check in.
- Carole will post notices for the annual meeting on Facebook, Nextdoor and send out via Mail Chimp. She will also request the WB Press put it in their Community/Events section.
- All board members should be at Boatworks Commons at 6 pm for set up.
- Doug will ask Matt Kocien and Steve McComas if they need any special equipment and if we could get their presentations in advance for distribution at the meeting and for Carole’s meeting summary.
- Carole and Jack each have a key to the PO box at White Bear Lake post office. Carole will ask the web team to add this address to the website. Jack and Carole need to go to the post office to “register” with a picture ID and another form of ID, such as an insurance card.
- Meg asked Carole if she’d contact Kathy Fleming to see if she’d like to speak about Zebra Mussel detection at the annual meeting or provide a report for us to share.
Doug Mulder - Vice President Report
Annual Dinner Report – Sue and Deb
- There was some discussion about the annual dinner and any feedback received. Feedback was generally good. All board members thought the silent auction process went very well. Some guests were impatient to get into the auction room at the end, but generally the flow was good.
- We might want 2 more Stripe credit card processors, so we’d have a total of 4.
- There was some concern over the invoice, so Deb will check with Dellwood on the charges. Antonette and Carole will work on defining the dinner income numbers.
- Dinner size plates were requested for that evening, but were not provided. The coordinator at Dellwood resigned between booking our event and the event itself, so there might have been some lack of communication on Dellwood’s part. We would like information regarding how much food was left, for next year’s planning purposes.
- It was suggested we move the dinner back to April. Deb was going to check with Dellwood on availability for 4/27/23.
- The cost per plate for the dinner was $48, based on the Dellwood invoice.
Meg made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45. Carole seconded it and it was approved by all.
Next meeting 10/10/22, 6 pm at Carole’s house.