BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 11-13-23

Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

11-13-23 6:00 pm


Carole Moore’s  house

Approved   ________




Meg Rapheal (President)


Katie Philippi (Secretary elect)


Jack Jungbauer (Treasurer)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Laura Shepler (Member at Large)


Jenn Anderson (Member at Large


Sue Wade (Member at Large)


Joe Boeser (Vice President)


Deb Donovan (Member at Large)


Brad Mason (Member at Large)


The new board members, Katie Philippi and Brad Mason, were introduced and they shared some information about themselves.




Laura made a motion to approve the October meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Sue and approved by all.   Carole will post them on the website.


Jack Jungbauer - Treasurer’s Report.


  • The bank balance as of 10-31-23 is $48,527.49. The shoreline restoration reserve fund is $10,829.90.
  • In October, we paid out $3918.690 in shoreline grants, $189.20 for PO Box rental and $39 in Shopify fees.
  • We collected $150 in dues at the annual meeting.
  • The NIRP fund reserve remains at $50,000.
  • $125k invested in short term-higher yield options. Jack will renew the CD’s as they come due.
  • IRS sent a letter asking for 60 additional days to review the tax return and classification of BEAA.
  • Jack will draft a 2024 budget for the January meeting.
  • Boat inspections from 2023 have not yet been billed to us or paid.
  • Carole Dues/donations updates: Carole will check on the number of deeded access homeowners who pay dues.
  • $29,925 has been received in dues. 47% of homeowners have paid.
  • YTD $1175 has been received in general donations and $1110 was donated specifically for Music on the Lake.


Meg Rapheal – President’s Report (Meg was absent so Joe reported on Meg’s comments for the meeting)

  • The Annual Meeting was discussed and members thought it all went well.
  • We received an email from Sara/Aaron Eken regarding lake water levels and the weir. Carole drafted a response to their questions after the annual meeting and used information supplied by Matt Kocien to address some of their concerns.  Meg approved the draft and it was emailed out to the Ekens.
  • It was decided that BEAA should pursue contacting Daniel Scollan of the DNR regarding possible changes to the weir to enhance our lake water levels. Meg will contact him at, 651-259-5732. 
  • Meg contacted someone at Ramsey County about the boat launch and extending the concrete portion of the ramp. His name is Kristopher Lencowski, 651-266-0330, She is trying to set up a call with him.
  • Boat Launch Inspections and Budget vs actual – It looks like the total hours weren’t as high as Washington County had hoped for because they had staffing issues. Do we still want to keep the level at $6000 for next summer? Do the zebra mussel findings change our strategy? Meg will investigate whether or not we got full use of our $6000 allotment for inspections.
  • Meg will draft a dues letter for 2024 and bring it to the January meeting. Carole will be sure we have labels printed and envelopes and postage available.


Joe Boeser - Vice President Report

  • There was a lot of discussion about how to increase our dues payments, especially through engagement with the community docks. One idea was to get all the community dock presidents together with the board and perhaps they could exchange information and learn from each associations’ processes. BEAA could also educate the leaders of the community docks about the importance of all home owners paying dues.
  • Carole will do some research in the BEAA records to see if we have the names of all of the community dock association’s presidents. The community docks mentioned were Eagle Shores, Oak Park Heights, Timber Hills, Spring Park Villa and West Oaks.
  • For the January meeting, all board members are asked to bring ideas about increasing dues payment participation.
  • Meg suggested the December meeting be cancelled. Joe made a motion to cancel the December meeting, it was seconded by Jenn and approved by all.


Music on the Lake – Jenn and Laura

  • Jenn reported that the band is confirmed for next summer. There is no contract yet, but Jenn will get that set up.  She stated they don’t require a deposit from BEAA.


Annual Dinner Report – Deb and Sue

  • The contract has been signed.


Graffic Traffic Store – Laura

  • Laura will check on the volume/value of the sales from this online shopping season.


Annual Conflict of Interest sign off.  Carole will bring the sign off sheet to the January meeting.


Steve McComas:  Deb suggested Meg contact Steve to see if he can come to our March meeting.  Rick Donovan spoke to him quite a bit after the annual meeting and Steve indicated he has some concerns about our lake.



Carole made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40. Jack seconded and all approved.



Next meeting is TUESDAY 1/9/24, 6 pm at Carole Moore’s house