BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 1-9-24
Date / Time: |
01-09-2024 6:00 pm |
Location: |
Carole Moore’s house |
Approved X |
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Meg Rapheal (President) |
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Katie Philippi (Secretary elect) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Treasurer) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Laura Shepler (Member at Large) |
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Jenn Anderson (Member at Large |
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Sue Wade (Member at Large) |
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Joe Boeser (Vice President) |
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Deb Donovan (Member at Large) |
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Brad Mason (Member at Large) |
Joe made a motion to approve the November meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Jenn and approved by all. Carole will post them on the website.
Jack Jungbauer - Treasurer’s Report.
- Jack resolved BEAA classification with IRS
- Payments/Reimbursements:
- The bank balance as of 12-31-23 is $48,485.11.49.
- The shoreline restoration reserve fund is $6,911.30.
- Outstanding check: Wash CTY Boat inspection: $4,480
- Cash Available 12/31/2023: $37,093.81
- $125k invested in CDs. 2023 interest received: $2,233.98.
- Jack to provide QTRLY financials vs monthly.
- Jack to correct slight discrepancy in budget document.
- Jack reviewed draft budget:
- Motion to add $5K to the $20K lake shore restoration, motion approved for $25K in 2024
- Question was raised much RCWD allocated to Bald Eagle for lake shore restoration: Carole contacted Mike Bradley @ RCWD for their 2024 budget for water quality matching grants. $275,000 is the amount available for the entire district.
- Requested to add $4K to Music on the Lake budget to cover cost of living and additional items: port-a-potty’s, water, and generator)
- Bald Eagle water management district with Rice creek balance is $31,780. Unchanged for 2022.
- Curly leaf treatment would have been covered by BEAA but a grant was received from the DNR that covered the cost.
- Bald Eagle Water Management District generated $597,000 over 10 yrs, $455,000 was used to pay for alum, $100K used for curly lead pondweed, $15K in admin costs, the remainer is $31K ref above.
- Bald Eagle has been delisted from the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) Impaired water list. This is a huge accomplishment! Carole will check if WB Press will do a press release.
Meg Rapheal – President’s Report
- Dam/weir issues- 651-259-5732 – contact for north lake weir issues. Meg: No follow-up yet.
- MN DNR AIS Grants – application due Nov 17th. Matt told Meg that he applied but it is unlikely the Bald Eagle would be a recipient again this year.
- Dues Letter draft Approved with minor changes (2 free dinner tickets lottery and notification about being delisted from impaired water list). Letter prepared by Meg. Board members will prepare mailings. Leftover mailing pieces should be returned to Carole.
- Washington County AIS Boat Launch Inspections:
- Inspections report. Carole will have the media team to post on website.
- We will partner again with WCD (Washinton Conservation District) at the same level as 2023 with $6000 allotment for inspections. Meg is reviewing the agreement.
- Does our allotment go towards the fishing tournaments? Fishing tournaments should cover their own costs. Meg will check.
- Meg contacted Kristopher Lencowski at Ramsey County about the boat launch and extending the concrete portion of the ramp. He shared 2 options: a $4K fix that is not permanent or a $300K plus cost for a permanent fix. Meg to continue follow-up.
Joe Boeser - Vice President Report
- Joe will put tougher a plan for Feb meeting on how to reach out to other organizations/community docks on the lake.
- Dock associations and their contact information.
- Timber Hills – Hobe Lane = Tonya Grunewald - did not pay 2023 dues.
- Spring Park Villa – SE Corner of the lake = Andi Arnesen - Pd 2023 dues.
- West Oaks = Bobbi Kuik – – have not paid dues. Pd 2023 dues
- Oak Park Shores – Ron Trudeau (per Laura) 651-429-5503. Carole only has email for Lori Trudeau at: Did not pay 2023 dues
- Eagle Shores – no information. Carole will try to find a contact.
- Dock associations and their contact information.
Music on the Lake – Jenn and Laura
- Jenn reported that the band is confirmed for next summer. There is no contract yet, but Jenn will get that set up. She stated they don’t require a deposit from BEAA.
Annual Dinner Report – Deb and Sue
- The contract has been signed.
- Discussed dinner price, will leave the same as it was raised $5 per person last year.
- Deb and Sue are working on the details
- Save the date will be sent in Jan.
- FB post as a thank you to businesses who have supported donations. Joe will manage wording.
- Brainstorming ideas:
- Carole mentioned corporate sponsors would prefer to donate cash vs product.
- How do we acknowledge corporate sponsor / what can we monetize. Brad volunteered to take the lead.
- Items for Sale ideas: boat throw with BEAA logo, have a MOL t-shirt for presale at dinner.
Graffic Traffic Store – Laura
- Sales totals were not available as of the meeting. Estimated sales under $1K, maybe a $130 profit. Laura will check Jan 12 for details.
Annual Conflict of Interest sign off. Present broad members all signed. Carole will follow-up with Meg as she was remote.
Steve McComas: Meg reached out to Steve. He does not have a specific item for discussion, just an interest in the health of the lake.
- Members decided not to go this route: Put their name listed on the website as a “supporting” member.
Carole Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15. Meg seconded and all approved.
Next meeting is Monday 2/12/24, 6 pm at Jack’s house. 4 members will be absent. Joe will work on getting people connected by phone (Carole and Meg)