BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 1-13-2021
Date / Time: |
1-13-2021 at 6:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Via Zoom (Covid-19) Minutes Approved 2-17-2021 |
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Bart Crockett (President) |
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Doug Mulder (Member at Large) |
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Mike Doran (Treasurer) |
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Meg Rapheal (Member at Large) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Antonette Alexander (Member at Large) |
Bart called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from 12-9-20. Doug seconded the motion and it was approved by all. Carole will post the minutes on the website.
Antonette Alexander
Treasurer’s Report :
- Antonette reported that the operating budget balance is $52,231, the NIRP fund is $50,000 and the Harris grant fund is $20,075. Products were paid for (glassware) and the memorial for Rick Gwynn was submitted at $100. $150 was received through Shopify for products.
- Antonette will be checking with Dellwood to determine if we can have the next dinner on Thursday 8/19/21 or Tuesday 8/17/21. Wednesdays were avoided due to conflicts with the Men’s Golf League there.
- Music on the Lake will cost about $2500 with tentative dates of Saturday July 24, 2021, with back up on Sunday 7/25. Mike made a motion to put Nick in charge of coordinating the event with other members. Motion was seconded by Doug and approved by all. Mike sent information about a band he knows of, and Nick will bring back 2-3 choices to the February meeting.
- Discussion regarding the desired operating budget balance was brought up by Jack. After discussion, Carole made a motion that the annual operating amount goal for budgeting purposes, should be twice the amount of the prior year’s expenses. Motion was seconded by Jack and approved by all.
- Antonette presented the proposed budget for 2021, shown on following page. There was discussion about various line items as follows:
- Under “Funding”
- Reduce membership dues to $20,000
- Change the revenues received from the dinner and from product sales to reflect “Net Income” and review the related expense from the “Expenditures” section.
- Under “Expenditures”
- Deduct merchandise cost from product sales and move net revenue up under “funding”
- Lake Clean up – Carole offered to cover the estimated $200 expense. It was decided to leave it in the budget for the record.
- It was noted that the Boat Inspections actual expense in 2020, of $7940, was higher than what was budgeted because that expense was for 2 years. We didn’t get billed for 2019 until 2020.
- A motion was made that we will allow more shoreline restoration grants funded by BEAA. This will be discussed further in February to determine specifics.
- Mike will discuss these budget changes with Antonette, as she had to leave the meeting early for a work call.
- Under “Funding”
Follow up from prior meetings:
- Shoreline Restoration Mike encouraged the board to continue offering some level of matching grants for shoreline restorations, as it’s such a good benefit to the lake and community. Carole made a motion that in 2021, BEAA will grant a 30% match, on those projects approved by RCCD and RCWD, up to $3000 per household, not to exceed the budgeted total value of the shoreline restoration grant funds stated in the final 2021 budget. Mike seconded the motion. Further discussion will continue in February. The 2021 grant funds are estimated to be $15,000, but will be finalized after the treasurer modifies/updates the budget proposed at the January meeting.
- Sales tax issues were discussed regarding future product sales. It appears if we don’t collect payments for any fundraising events/products for more than 24 days/year, we do not have to pay sales tax. The idea was brought up that if we want to sell products, we would take “orders” , then people would need to pick up and pay for their product in a certain window with a limited number of days involved.
- Merchandising: Doug has talked with a vendor who could produce and “sell” the products for BEAA and would handle any sales tax issues. The income made from a product sale would be sent into BEAA as a “donation” in the customer’s name. We could post items on our website and link to the vendor’s website for purchase. This takes us out of the Shopify process for products as well, but we’d still need Shopify or another platform for dues and dinners online payments. Bart mentioned selling some things through the vendor, but then also having some intermittent sales directly by BEAA. Doug will talk more with the vendor and invite him to our February Board meeting.
- Lake Clean Up: Mike talked to Kevin and it was determined that we should schedule the lake clean up for 3/6. Carole was asked to make a special invitation to William Hurt (new homeowner interested in helping with lake projects) and Katy Robinson, the new owner of Bald Eagle Boat Rental.. now called “Pontoons on Bald Eagle”.
Bart Crockett
President Report:
- Bart has drafted a letter for Katharine Harris regarding possible grants for 2021.
- Our email “vote for the board” request went out January 9th and closed at 10 pm on January 12th. Carole reported that 53 households voted, all were in favor, 2 were duplicates to a household and 3 had not paid dues, so total legitimate votes was 48. Carole has a record of all of the emails and it has been scanned in and saved in our “legal” folder.
At 8:15 pm Mike made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Bart and approved by all.
Next meeting date 2-10-21. 6 pm Zoom meeting. Nick has already sent out the meeting invitation.