BEAA Board Meeting 6-12-23

Bald Eagle Area Association

Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

6-12-23 6:00 pm


Joe Boeser’s  house

Approved   8-14-23d




Meg Rapheal (President) via phone


Doug Mulder  (Vice President)


Jack Jungbauer (Treasurer)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Laura Shepler (Member at Large)


Jenn Anderson (Member at Large


Sue Wade (Member at Large)


Joe Boeser (Member at Large)


Deb Donovan (Member at Large)






Joe stated a correction was needed in the May minutes to indicate he was the only one to attend the meeting with the Timber Lakes Dock Association.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes, as corrected.   It was seconded by Jenn and approved by all.  Carole will make the correction and add them to the website.


Jack Jungbauer - Treasurer’s Report


  • The bank balance as of 5/31/23 is $79,826. Of that, $35,000 is set aside for shoreline restoration work from 2022 and for 2023.
  • The NIRP fund reserve remains at $50,000.
  • $125k invested in short term-higher yield options: $50k in 13-month CD to 12/12/23. $25k in 7-month CD to 11/19/23. $50k in 13-month CD until 5/19/24.
  • Credit card fees of $29 were paid in May.
  • Boatworks Commons was paid $105 for the annual meeting room rental.
  • Dellwood balance of $9300.58 was paid in May.
  • Jack provided a summary of venmo payments made year to date.
  • Deb was not present at the meeting, but she will get final dinner income numbers to the board at a later date.
  • Jack is working with Hanson, Binion, Franzmeier CPAs to re-file our 2021 form 990 PF AND 2022  form 990 PF.


  • Carole reported on dues and donations received as of 6-12-23:
    • $29,325 has been received in dues. 46% of homeowners have paid.
    • YTD $1175 has been received in general donations and $1040 was donated specifically for Music on the lake.
    • Carole brought up that issue that the shoreline granting document needs to be changed, as RCCD (Ramsey County Conservation District) is no longer tracking the “date concept approved by landowner” in their spreadsheets. Our BEAA 2023 Shoreline Restoration Program document currently states “Grants will be awarded in the order of the date the property owner approved the concept plan”. Since Brian Olsen of RCCD stated they no longer track that date, he suggested we use the “date of cost share application or date bid received data” to track the sequence of applicants going forward. Joe noticed that the date bids received data was more unique per homeowner than the date of cost share application.  Carole made a motion to amend our 2023 document to state “Grants will be based on the RCCD spreadsheet dates bids received data“.  This change has no impact on the current applicants.
    • Carole will modify the document for use going forward and both the prior and new one is attached to these minutes.


Meg Rapheal – President’s Report

  • Meg sent the board a draft of a 2nd letter to send out to business owners who live on the lake. Carole will send out the letter after the 4th of July, via Mailchimp only.
  • Meg talked with Alison Drusch about a summer lake event. It might be set up for August.
  • There was discussion about setting up the Adopt A Drain signs again, sending out more notices or taking it on as a group activity to clean them. It was decided to wait until the fall .
  • Meg discussed the terms ending for Carole (10/2024) and Jack (2025) and suggested we find volunteers to start the transition a year in advance to help share the processes and information needed for the positions.
  • Kathy Fleming no longer wants to coordinate the zebra mussel tracking. Carole suggested Howard Juni as a possibility, along with any others that had volunteered to do the eDNA sampling project.  Meg will check her list of volunteers and contact them.
  • Meg stated Steve McComas was not available this year for a youth program education event. Steve suggested it might work next year, but not in the spring.
  • Matt Kocien will present his recommendations regarding a possible alum boost at the annual meeting. In order to attend that, the meeting will be moved to October 19th or 26th, depending on the availability at Boatworks Commons.  Jack will contact them.  Matt will present his recommendations to the board in advance of the meeting so the board can determine what next steps should be taken, if any.

Doug Mulder - Vice President Report

  • Thank you notes/emails were sent to the families that helped out with the fishing contest for youth. Volunteers included Masons, Schoonovers, Muellers and Ogatas.
  • It was discussed that we should continue to reach out to other dock associations individually, to try to determine how we can support each other.
  • Joe suggested getting all of the dock association presidents to a meeting to ask what they’d like from us.
  • Meg suggested we determine what community dock members dues are used for. With that knowledge, we may better be able to market the benefits of paying dues to BEAA.
  • Carole will check on the percent/number of deeded access dues payers, vs lakeshore dues payers.


Annual Dinner Report –Deb and Sue were not in attendance.

  • Thank you notes have been sent out to all silent auction contributors.
  • Deb will provide a summary of the dinner income and expense when she’s back in town.


Music on the Lake – Jenn and Laura

  • The contract has been signed and the insurance rider is in place.
  • Jenn requested some long extension cords to go from the house down to the stage. She will get them from Joe and Doug. Carole offered hers as well, if needed.
  • Cinder blocks are sometimes needed to support the tent. Joe and Jenn have some on hand.
  • The committee will order a porta potty for the band.
  • Jersey Mike’s is donating sandwiches courtesy of Bart Crockett. Jenn will get beer and water for the band.
  • Doug is getting 2 banners made to direct attendees to buy T-shirts. The shirts will be done on 6/14.
  • Laura has a 10 x 10 tent and Meg also has a tent.
  • Set up will commence at 10 am on 7/1 and clean up will start at 10 am on 7/2.
  • Adam will lend us ropes and large buoys to keep people away from the dock. Joe will help get them set up in the water. Joe will contact Adam regarding time to do so.
  • Carole mentioned that she recalled making some signs on tag board to indicate the shoreline is for band members only and that the house is not open for anyone to use.
  • Carole will contact Goulets – the winners of the early dues paying parking – to arrive early and pull up close to the buoys and that there will be no dock access.




Jack made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Doug seconded and all approved.



Next meeting 8/14/23, 6 pm at Carole Moore’s house