BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 8-11-21
Date / Time: |
8-11-2021 at 6:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Meg Rapheal’s house |
Approved 9-13-21 |
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Bart Crockett (President) |
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Doug Mulder (Member at Large) |
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Antonette Alexander (Treasurer) |
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Meg Rapheal (Member at Large) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
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Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Mike Doran (Member at Large) |
Please bring all donated items for the silent auction to Meg’s asap. Let Carole know if you want her to pick something up.
Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from June 2021. Some discussion ensued regarding planning some winter, lake side activities. This will be re-visited at our September meeting. Bart mad a motion to accept the meeting minutes from July, it was seconded by Mike and approved by all. Carole will put the minutes on the website.
Antonette Alexander
Treasurer’s Report :
- Antonette reported that the operating budget balance is $70,713 as of 7/31/21.
- $1600 was paid for Music on the Lake
- The Harris grant fund is at $11,922. Some homeowners have been paid for their shoreline restoration grants.
- Expense for geese remediation was $4182
- There was a postage expense of $563 for the annual dinner invitation mailing
- Carole reported that $14,820 has been received to date for dinner reservations with 192 people currently signed up. $27,400 has been received YTD for dues (from 200 households), $2090 in donations and $1275 in 2022 dues (mostly from prior year dinner duplicate payments, being forwarded upon permission, to this account.
- Antonette will review our planned budget, status and goals and report at the September meeting.
- It was discussed that the Board might “grandfather” in Mike Kesti with the shoreline restoration project. He won’t receive the full 30% up to $5k possible, as the allotted funding has been too far depleted. This will be addressed at the Sept. board meeting. We might need to make a motion for 2021 and/or change our grant process moving forward.
- It was estimated we will need $5000 for curly leaf treatment in 2022.
Bart Crockett
President Report:
- Bart will draft a letter to accompany information about the annual meeting in October and get it to Carole for dissemination in early September. Steve McComas from Blue Water Science and TJ DeBates of the East Metro DNR will be guest speakers.
- Carole will put a notice in the WB Press about the annual meeting
- Mike will get signs out for the annual meeting after the dinner.
- John Rapheal has been invited to attend our September meeting regarding licensing fireworks show on July 4th.
Committee Reports:
Annual Dinner – Meg
- The auction list is still being updated.
- Bart will bring squares to the annual dinner. Adam Moore has agreed to help with technology issues at check out. Adam stated the squares need to be tied into the BEAA shopify account. Bart will contact Adam to get that set up prior to the dinner.
- Vicky Baker and Sue Morrisette will work check in for the dinner.
- Doug reported that Cotroneo’s gave BEAA a discount on the liquor for the raffle and also donated a gift card for the auction.
- Meg will contact Dellwood to increase food quantities.
- The banner of sponsors from Music on the Lake will be hung at the annual dinner.
- Carole will continue to post weekly reminders on FB and Next Door re: the dinner. Nick can do Instagram.
- Graffic Traffic will open up the store from 8/19 through Labor Day. Board members are asked to bring examples of their purchases to have on display at the dinner. Doug and various board members will be at a table for questions. Graffic Traffic created some materials people can take home with them to remind them to shop/purchase online.
- Carole will continue reminders about the store up to Labor Day.
- Doug has discussed the pick-up vs delivery choices when ordering, so there is more clarity for the customers.
- Mike has some large posters made to have on display at the dinner, providing information regarding use of BEAA dues.
- Carole reported that RCWD has put up some small signs on properties that have received grants from them. This includes properties that received their grants before 2020, when BEAA started matching grants.
- Carole will create all the necessary reservation lists, auction item lists, etc. for the dinner.
- Bart will honor Donovans and Kathy Fleming later in the evening and they will be asked to pull the names for the winners of the liquor and wine raffles.
- Jack will handle the ten times game.
- Antonette will get bank bags (4) so revenues can be kept separate for the various events (auction, raffle, ten times, etc.).
- Antonette will also get cash for use at the dinner.
- Molly will pick up balloons to identify the check-out stations. If she’s not able to get them due to travel constraints, she will contact Nick.
- Antonette will bring weights for the balloons.
- Molly will make a sign directing people who want to pay with Venmo. Antonette stressed that they need to put the auction item number and their name in the memo field in Venmo
- Evelyn Duvall has agreed to be the event “photographer” for us.
- Carole will contact the WB Press to get an ad placed in the WB Press to honor the donors.
- Carole will contact Doug Monday to have him pick up items from her house in case she can’t be at set up, etc.
- Antonette and Carole will walk through at auction end, circling winners.
Gear Committee – Doug and Nick
- Doug has ordered window decals with the BEAA logo. This will be available for people to take away when they leave the dinner. The decals cost $.90/each.
Music on the Lake Committee –Nick
- Molly and Nick will send personal thank you’s to the sponsors. (this was on August agenda, but I don’t believe it was addressed then).
- Jack will review the insurance policy received by Bart and report back next month, as he was initially sent the wrong policy (from a different company). Jack has still not received the policies and will follow up with Craig McNulty.
- Mike has reserved space at Boatworks Commons for our annual meeting on October 13th, 7-8:30 pm.
At 8:15 pm Carole made a motion to adjourn, Antonette seconded and it was approved by all.
Next meeting date 9-8-21. 6 pm at Mike Doran’s house. 5868 Hobe Ln.