BEAA Board Meeting Minutes 7-14-21
Date / Time: |
7-14-2021 at 6:00 pm CST |
Location: |
Meg Rapheal’s house |
Approved 8-11-2021 |
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Bart Crockett (President) |
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Doug Mulder (Member at Large) |
Antonette Alexander (Treasurer) |
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Meg Rapheal (Member at Large) |
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Carole Moore (Secretary) |
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Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large |
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Molly Ertle (Member at Large) |
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Nick Guzzo (Member at Large) |
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Mike Doran (Member at Large) |
Please bring all donated items for the silent auction to Meg’s asap. Let Carole know if you want her to pick something up.
Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from June 2021. The motion was seconded by Meg and approved by all. Carole will put the minutes on the website.
Antonette Alexander
Treasurer’s Report :
- Antonette reported that the operating budget balance is $68,838 as of 6/30/21.
- Shopify fees and insurance payments were made
- The shoreline fund balance is $11,122.35 for 2021. Boeser was paid $5147.25, Mulder was paid $5881.95, Jansen was paid $3953.40.
- Music on the Lake donations included $391 from Venmo and $656 in cash. With the sponsorships, the costs were covered.
- Carole reported that 2021 dues collected through now total $26,575 from 194 homeowners. $1285 was collected in donations YTD. In 2020, total dues collected was $23050 from 175 homes with a total of $2075 donations. We have 479 “parcels” listed in our database. Some homeowners have more than one parcel, so total number of lakeshore
homeowners can be estimated to be around 443. So about 44% of homeowners paid dues.
- Carole reported that 82 have signed up for the annual dinner, for a total of $6375.
- Antonette will review our planned budget, status and goals and report at the September meeting.
- It was discussed that the Board might “grandfather” in Mike Kesti with the shoreline restoration project. He won’t receive the full 30% up to $5k possible, as the allotted funding has been too far depleted. This will be addressed at the Sept. board meeting. We might need to make a motion for 2021 and/or change our grant process moving forward. Carole was asked to contact Mike Kesti to let him know this might be happening.
- Mike reported on his information from Mike Bradley (RCWD) explaining how the water management taxing district could be used/re-instated in the future (see Matt Kocien detailed email response in July 2021 agenda). It would require that we need a large volume of funds, as it takes years to get the taxing district active again. We would probably need to have at least a $20k expense. The taxing district expires in 2030. If re-instated after that, it would require getting signatures/petitions again. The taxing district can only be used for “water quality” issues, not AIS, etc.
Bart Crockett
President Report:
- Carole gave Bart a list of all new homeowners who purchased lake property since the 2019 dinner. He will ask Anna Murray to help drive attendance to the annual dinner.
- Board members for 2022 were discussed. Bart asked that Antonette and Carole stay on for another 3 yr term, which will then be their last term.
- Bart reported that Matt Kocien’s last weed survey showed very little milfoil – there were no large beds. He stated we have a good diversity of native plants, which is good for water quality.
Committee Reports:
Annual Dinner – Meg
- The auction list is still being updated.
- Questions came up about how the food will be served at Dellwood? Are buffets no longer safe? Do we have Dellwood staff serve people at the buffet line instead? Antonette will investigate policy/protocols.
- Antonette will check on whether she has plexiglass type stands for the auction item signs. She will let Meg know so they can be purchased if needed.
- Carole has purchased her $250 worth of wine for the raffle.
- Doug will buy the liquor for the raffle. Prices will be $5/ticket or 5 tickets for $20.
- Bart will come up with a way to honor the Donovans at the dinner. It was agreed it should be a surprise to them.
- The banner of sponsors from Music on the Lake will be hung at the annual dinner.
- Carole will continue to post weekly reminders on FB and Next Door re: the dinner. Nick can do Instagram.
- Sandy Sorenson has offered to orchestrate a type of raffle where we would provide the items and she would box them and wrap them, selling each box for $20. This might be a good way to use up some extraneous items that don’t stand alone for auction, and/or gain better return on the value of gift cards. We will review this idea as we receive things and get set up.
- Doug will also inquire as to whether Graffic Traffic would open up the store from 8/17 through Labor Day and then we’d have someone available at the dinner to help people place orders.
- Doug will discuss the pick up vs delivery choices when ordering, so there is more clarity for the customers.
- Carole will post a notice for the event in the WB Press.
- It was discussed that it might be good to have some hand outs or posters providing information about what BEAA does, how much it costs to treat weeds, etc. Carole will go through our records and send out the information for the Board to prepare signs/hand-outs.
- It was suggested that we create a map showing the homes who had shoreline work done. Carole will create a google map with that information and send to board. It could also be on display or as a hand out at the dinner.
- Carole will contact Lauren Sampredo with status on getting RCWD signage at properties before the dinner.
- Carole will send the 2019 checklist and final days planning list for the dinner to Meg and Antonette for review.
Gear Committee – Doug and Nick
- It was suggested we get car window decals printed to hand out at the dinner. Molly and Doug were going to check on possible printing costs. Graffic Traffic will be consulted and Molly will check other possibilities.
- Doug is checking on getting logo re-usable tote bags printed for dinner.
Music on the Lake Committee –Nick
- Molly and Nick will scout out possible bands for next year at the State Fair.
- Molly and Nick will send personal thank you’s to the sponsors.
Geese Mitigation –Mike
- Mike and Jack were asked to come up with a final statement regarding the results of the geese retrieval done on the lake.
- Mike reported that he received the “get the lead out” kit. People can trade in their old lead tackle for lead free tackle. Mike will consider taking some time at the boat launch, possibly next spring at the fishing opener. There are about 100 kits to use.
- Steve McComas will speak at our annual meeting in October. DNR has not responded to Mike.
- Jack will review the insurance policy received by Bart and report back next month, as he was initially sent the wrong policy (from a different company).
- Mike will reserve space at Boatworks Commons for our annual meeting on October 13th.
At 8:15 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn, Molly seconded and it was approved by all.
Next meeting date 8-11-21. 6 pm at Meg’s house