Bald Eagle Area Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Date / Time:
5-12-2021 at 6:00 pm CST
Carole Moore’s house
Approved _6-9-21
Bart Crockett (President)
Doug Mulder (Member at Large)
Antonette Alexander (Treasurer)
Meg Rapheal (Member at Large)
Carole Moore (Secretary)
Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large
Molly Ertle (Member at Large)
Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)
Mike Doran (Member at Large)
Antonette made a motion to approve the minutes from April 2021. The motion was seconded by Molly and approved by all. Carole will put the minutes on the website.
Antonette Alexander
Treasurer’s Report :
- Antonette reported that the operating budget balance is $71,390 as of 4-30-21.
- Antonette set up Shopify billing to go to BEAA credit card.
- Carole reported that 2021 dues collected through 5/11//21 totaled $24,725, from 181 homeowners. $685 was collected in donations. In 2020, total dues collected was $23050 from 175 homes with a total of $2075 donations. We have 479 “parcels” listed in our database. Some homeowners have more than one parcel, so total number of lakeshore homeowners can be estimated to be around 460.
- All board members were reminded to pay their dues if they hadn’t already done so.
- Antonette will review our planned budget, status and goals and report at the June meeting.
Bart Crockett
President Report:
- Bart stated he had not yet received the boat launch inspection schedule from Justin Townsend.
- Website maintenance/upgrade was discussed. It was decided to keep things simple, as few people access our website on a regular basis anyway. Mike will check with people he knows to see if they could help out on improving it or provide some guidance and how best to get things posted and updated when we want.
- Curlyleaf Pondweed has been inspected and the map is shown below. AREA 7 WILL NOT BE TREATED. It was discussed that we may want to designate a portion of the budget for weed treatment, as we don’t know from year to year what charges we may incur. Curlyleaf weed treatment was covered by the taxing district through this year.
- Mike Doran will contact Mike Bradley with RCWD to inquire about what would happen if we didn’t have the funds available to cover a proposed weed treatment. Would RCWD re-start the taxing district and if so, how long does that take to re-establish?
- Cory Huberty has contacted us annually regarding his impression that the main weed bed is shrinking. Carole will refer him to RCWD to address his concern.
- We have not received any additional applicants for the matching grant and have about $6000 still available. Carole will notify RCWD and Ramsey County with that information.
- Mike will check with Steve McComas about speaking at our annual meeting in October.
- Jack will review the insurance policy received by Bart and report back next month.
Committee Reports:
Annual Dinner – Meg
- Carole reported that the bid sheets for the auction have been printed.
- The Donovans will be honored at the annual meeting. Bart will take care of a possible gift for them.
- The leftover over mugs, insulated glasses and glass wine glasses will be sold at the dinner. Carole is storing them and fulfilling any orders that trickle in. As of the meeting, there are 11 mugs, 12 wine glasses and 52 insulated wine glasses available.
- Meg will start collecting donated items on July 14th.
- Carole will put together a basket to thank Kathy Fleming at the annual dinner, using some of the wine and coffee mug items.
Gear Committee – Doug and Nick
- Mike made a motion to approve Graphic Traffic for product sales at 15% mark up. The motion was seconded by Meg and approved by all.
- The gear committee will check all the details about product choices.
- “Dori” poles are what can be used to fly the flags.
- The gear committee will communicate with Doug, who was not able to attend, and will tell Carole when Graphic Traffic is ready to launch.
- They will also check on other sizes for the flag such as 30 x 18. Flag design #1 was voted the choice.
- The Gear Committee will provide the language for Carole to send out via email and on Facebook and Next Door.
Music on the Lake Committee –Nick
- Nick reported that the Minnesotan store will donate $300. With tip, we expect to pay the band $2000.
- Meg will check on how we could collect money for donations during the eventf using Venmo or something like that.
- Nick will check with Miller Marine, JD Docks and Twin Cities Docks for possible donations.
- Jersey Mikes, per Bart, will provide food for the band.
- Molly will take care of beverages.
- Adam Moore was contacted about possibly having pallets to use to build the stage.
- Mike will contact Jim Ascheman about helping build the stage.
Geese Mitigation –Mike
Mike reported that the geese will be captured in June or July. The WB food shelf may take the geese.
Shoreline Grant Status:
- Mike has requested a “get the lead out” kit from MN Rivers/Lakes.
At 8:10 pm Mike made a motion to adjourn, Bart seconded and it was approved by all.
Next meeting date 6-9-21. 6 pm at Carole Moore’s house.