6/13/18 BEAA Board Meeting

BEAA MINUTES – BOARD MEETING 6/13/18 – Approved on 7-11-18


Attending:  Bart Crockett, Mike Doran, Jim Ascheman, Gary Krejcarek, Adam Moore, Carole Moore, Rick Donovan.


Mike Doran provided the Treasurer’s report:

   Bank Balance is $51,822.  We paid Hi Tempo $1738 for the kayak for auction, paid Allegra $623 for the dues mailing service and postage and paid insurance of $695.


Dues payment processing:

  Carole and Mike will track the payments received.  Adam will arrange access to Shopify for Mike and Carole to view online payments.  Mailed in payments are coming to Carole.  Adam will also give Carole access and training on the web page, so she can do some needed editing for grammar, punctuation, etc.


Survey and weed treatment:

  Steve McComas was on Bald Eagle on 6/12 with Bart Crockett.  Steve identified the “hot spots” of milfoil growing in deeper water – more than 16’ deep.  The survey showed 39 acres need treatment.  Rick proposed, Jim seconded and   the Board approved adding additional treatment for Benson Bay areas, which Steve did not survey.  The board approved treating 45 acres at this time.  This leaves open the possibility of treating a second time or additional areas as the summer progresses.


AIS Sub-Committee:

   Gary made a motion to create a sub-committee for AIS tracking.   Gary, Jim and Kathy Fleming will initially constitute this sub-committee.  The motion was seconded by Bart and approved by the board.



  Going forward,  Carole will only post on Facebook or NextDoor on a bi-monthly basis to reduce emails being received regarding Bald Eagle Lake.

  Carole will be trained by Adam on how to access and edit items on the website.

  It was suggested that we add more photos to our website on a regular basis.  Carole volunteered to contact Roxanne Townshend to have her send her great wildlife shots in for sharing on the website.


501C3 status:

  Adam will pursue this issue with John Pitzl and determine what revisions need to be made to the by-laws.  Rick proposed, Mike seconded and the board approved spending up to $5000 in fees for a tax attorney to modify our status.


NEXT MEETINGS:  July 11 at Rick Donovan’s – 6:30  and August 8th, location and time TBD.