2/19/18 BEAA Board Meeting
BEAA MINUTES – BOARD MEETING 2/19/18 – Approved by Board
Attending: Bart Crockett, Mike Doran, Jim Ascheman, Gary Krejcarek, Adam Moore, Carole Moore, Rick Donovan
Annual Meeting – Steve McComas is confirmed as attending. Adam will contact Mike Keegan (sp?) with the DNR regarding creation of a hand out and/or PowerPoint presentation of their bullet list points on homeowner’s treatment of weeds around docks. He will also contact Lake Restoration for information. It was suggested that we get the bullet list printed on DNR letterhead, so residents understand the rulings come from the DNR, not the lake association. Mike will talk to Steve McComas to be sure he stresses the increase in the weed control issues and related expenses.
Gary will open the meeting by introducing the board members. Mike will present the Treasurer’s Report. Steve McComas will then give his presentation. Rick will speak next and the meeting will be closed with voting in the board members.
Carole will have member sign up sheets available. Adam and Rick will develop some hand-outs from the DNR or other groups. Rick will have hand-outs available from Aquacide, etc. Carole will send our Facebook and Next Door Bald Eagle Links to Debra at the WB Press for inclusion in her article about the board meeting and will post weekly reminders on Facebook and Next Door Bald Eagle for both the meeting and fundraiser. We can get in the school to set up at 6:30. (Carole will plan to be there).
Treasurer’s Report – We have a $38,000 balance. Gary Krejcarek has been reimbursed for the fees associated with the AIS Summit and payment has been made to Otter Lake School for use of the cafeteria for the 3/22 Annual Board Meeting.
Fundraising – Silent Auction - Mike Doran reported that prior year silent auction donors have been contacted for this year. Our goal for the April event is to raise $20,000. Some big ticket items may come from Tousley Ford, Randy Lee, and V Dock. V Dock will sell us a 32’ dock and sundeck at cost, which is about 50% off retail. BEAA can purchase products from Rave for cost. Adam will review some product and pricing ideas and email the fundraising committee with suggestions. Adam will also be in touch with Ben Pratt for certificates to Ingredients and the new Burger Bar on 4thstreet.
Carole will donate a pair of Gopher Men’s Basketball tickets for a Big Ten Game 2018-2019 season. Typically the Big Ten games start in January. The fundraising committee will determine how to frame the value of the tickets. Because Carole has season tickets, value on the ticket is typically listed as $36+, but if a person where to buy 2 tickets for a Big Ten game, they’d cost $75-$90 each. The auction winners could choose which game they wanted or we could assign one, such as Wisconsin.
Logo update– Antonette was not able to attend, but Mike reported that they are working on some ideas and will try to narrow them down before presenting them to the full board.
AIS- Gary stated that he will be attending the AIS Summit at the Earle Brown Center this month. He stated the RCWD has funds to contribute to shoreline restoration plantings, as well as boulder rip/rap. Gary will confirm the issue about RCWD funding boulders. If multiple, contiguous neighbors go in on a project together, Gary stated it’s possible the RCWD would fund it at 100%. They also have mini-grants of $500. Samantha Berger is our contact at RCWD. Residents would need to write up a proposal, submit it, complete the work and then would be reimbursed by the RCWD for the grant amount available to the homeowner.
Discussion continued on how to manage boat launch inspections for zebra mussels. Consideration was given to placing the catchers under the piers at the boat launch and generating a volunteer crew to periodically check under rocks in that location. Mike will ask Kathy Fleming to see if she could coordinate monitoring around the docks and rocks at the boat landing. The boat launch is under the auspices of Ramsey County Parks and Rec, not the DNR. Questions regarding volunteer screeners included the issue of who can be authorized to screen and who would be providing that authorization. Does it need to be under the control of a government agency?
Rick Donovan will be making a presentation at the Annual Board Meeting regarding alum treatments and invasive weed treatments and costs. Last year about 20 acres of weeds were treated. This year, we believe the maximum allowed by the DNR to be around 85 acres, including homeowner treatments at their docks and shorelines to be done within the DNR guidelines.
Budget 2018 – A budget was proposed for this year as follows. Rick made a motion to approve, Adam seconded the motion, discussion ensued and all in attendance agreed to the motion. Budget was approved with the goal noted of protecting our lake.
Income: Dues $25,000
Fundraiser $20,000
Govt Support $2,500
Expenses: Weed Tx $42,000
Boat Launch $5,000
Insurance $2,000
Blue Water $2,500
Mailings/postage $ 750
Miscellaneous $1,000
Current Bank Balance $38,000 (Keep this amount in reserve)
Projected Income $47,500
Less Projected Expense ($53,250)
Loss ($5,750)
Dues - Discussion revolved around how best to motivate homeowners to pay the dues, which will be around $150 year. We may be able to take payments through our website. Adam suggested if we could do that, residents could make it an annual recurring charge to their credit cards and we’d automatically get payment/renewals. For those who paid dues, Adam and Rick suggested a token like a sticker for their car or a flag for their dock, so others would know who’s supporting the lake.
By-Laws– The By-Laws were reviewed in regards to collecting dues. It was determined that BEAA can legally collect from both lakeshore owners and those with deeded access, such as West Oaks and the Beaver Street community docks. Discussion included changing our tax status so contributions could be fully tax deductible. Gary will contact Mike Bradley to investigate that issue, as well as what would be involved in changing our name to Bald EagleLAKEAssociation.