10-21-2020 ANNUAL Board Meeting Minutes


Bald Eagle Area Association

Annual Board Meeting Minutes




Date / Time:

10-21-2020 at 6:00 pm CST


Benson Airport Hangar

Minutes Approved 11-12-2020





Bart Crockett (President)


Jim Ascheman (Member at Large)


Mike Doran (Treasurer)


Adam Moore (Member at Large)


Carole Moore (Secretary)


Jack Jungbauer (Member at Large


Molly Ertle (Member at Large)


Nick Guzzo (Member at Large)




Antonette Alexander (Member at Large)


Bart called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm. Mike made a motion to approve the minutes from 9-15-20. Nick seconded the motion and it was approved by all.  Carole will send the minutes to Adam (or his successor) to put on the website.


Bart Crockett

President Report:

  • Bart introduced the proposed new board members, Doug Mulder and Meg Rapheal, and all board members shared information to get acquainted.
  • Carole asked about Jim Ascheman’s AIS expertise and Adam Moore’s website and Shopify responsibilities and if someone should be assuming that responsibility. It was tabled to the November meeting.
  • Bart mentioned the 4 RCWD approved shoreline restoration projects, 3 of which are eligible for the BEAA matching grants (the $15,000 allocation of funds was depleted on the 1st 3 applicants). As decided at the September meeting, BEAA will pay their portion to the landscaping vendor when the homeowner needs to make their deposit.  RCWD will pay their portion after the projects are completed, inspected and approved.  IF BEAA decides to offer matching grants next year, the process may change so more homeowners could benefit, perhaps putting a cap on the BEAA grant per household.
  • Geese mitigation issues were discussed. As decided at the September meeting, BEAA approved a motion to spend up to $5000 for geese mitigation issues in 2021.  Gordy Nelson has agreed to spearhead this project. BEAA will complete and file the application to the DNR and then Gordy will take the necessary steps to make it happen.
  • Beavers have been creating havoc on Hobe Point and around to the north, as well as on the NE side of the lake. Bart will contact the DNR to inquire about trapping. This issue was tabled to the November meeting.
  • Bart brought up the possibility of us having to move the annual dinner from April 2021 to August 2021. This was tabled until the November meeting.
  • Board members were asked to think about possible website maintenance support. The person(s) wouldn’t need to be on the Board, but could be considered a sub-committee.  If anyone knows someone skilled in this area, they’re asked to investigate their willingness to help us.  Ideas/suggestions can be submitted to Carole or Bart.
  • It was suggested by Jim Ascheman that all past Board members be listed on our website. Mike will start collecting names of past board members.
  • BEAA Gear – It was discussed that it might be nice to have some BEAA products available to all homeowners. Suggestions included flags for boats or docks, clothing, etc.  A sub-committee to investigate this idea was created and includes Doug Mulder, Nick Guzzo, Molly Ertle and Meg Rapheal.  Nick had previously suggested partnering with the store “Minnesotan” to handle inventory, fulfillment, etc.  Doug mentioned that of course Minnesotan would get “ a piece of the pie”.
  • Bart suggested we create a standard meeting date so everyone knows when to block their calendars, rather than trying to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Starting in December, BEAA board meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month.  BOARD MEMBERS---- MAKE THAT A REPEATING APPOINTMENT IN YOUR CALENDARS!  BART, WHAT TIME?
  • Nick reported that we were shipped BEAA logo wine glasses in excess of our order. He will contact the vendor to ask for a 50% discount if we keep them, or will return them.
  • Bart thanked Mike Doran for his 5 year tenure on the board.
  • Mike made a motion to approve new board members Doug Mulder and Meg Rapheal. Bart seconded the motion and it was approved by all. Voters in favor included: All present board members and via email (due to Covid 19) Jim Ascheman, Kathy/Mike Bradley, Chris/Dawn Hiniker, Stacey Bresina, Diane Oebser, Gary Krejcarek.
  • Mike made a motion to install Antonette as the new Treasurer of the association. Molly seconded the motion and it was approved by all.

Mike Doran

Treasurer’s Report :

  • Mike reported that BEAA owes Adam Moore money for website annual fees he paid himself in the last few years. Shopify charges $29/month plus credit card processing fees of 3.15%. Mike made a motion to reimburse Adam $841 for expenses incurred.  Molly seconded the motion and it was approved by all. Antonette will cut a check for him and Carole will deliver it.
  • Curlyleaf pondweed treatment funds – RCWD indicated we were paying, have some payables due, about this and may need to budget for 2021. This will be on the November agenda.
  • Jack will investigate the accounting of funds from our special tax assessments put in place for the alum treatments and Mike will confer with RCWD regarding the same.
  • Mike made a motion that BEAA renew their membership in MN Lakes and Rivers. Carole seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Carole recommended all board members and all lake owners support this group as they lobby for water quality and provide education.
  • Mike made a motion that BEAA (Carole was requested to draft the letter) send a formal thank you to RCWD and White Bear Township for their work and funding of the sand/iron filter on Ditch 11. Molly seconded the motion and it was approved by all.  Carole will draft a letter and send to the board for editing/approval.  Mike suggested the letter be sent to Mike Bradley, a RCWD board member, for his presentation at a future meeting.
  • Related to the sand/iron filter on Ditch 11, Carole will send the 2016 RCWD report, identifying this as a good project for the south Bald Eagle Lake watershed, to new members Doug and Meg.


To:  All Bald Eagle Area Association members

RE: Treasurer's report for 2020 annual meeting

Hello BEAA members,

Below is our funds report to our membership for 2020 thru October 15th.  Covid has made this year so unusual in so many ways and certainly has affected BEAA and our undertakings in 2020.  A few notes and comments about the numbers below:

  • Our 2020 annual dinner and fundraiser scheduled for last April was delayed and then cancelled.  We had made a down payment this year of $750 to Dellwood Country Club to reserve our date and they have graciously allowed us to roll that forward as a deposit on our 2021 dinner.  Likewise, all of you who had paid for your 2020 dinner reservation rolled it forward and saved us from making refunds.  Your treasurer is forever grateful!   More to follow on a future dinner date.
  • Our 2nd annual Music on the Laketook place very successfully this past August with nearly 100 boats mostly socially distanced on the south shore of Bald Eagle Lake.  Thanks to co-chairs Nick Guzzo and Molly Ertle, BEAA sold almost $5,000 of tumblers and glasses and along with donations paid for all of the event expenses.
  • In 2020 BEAA announced a grant program in partnership with Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) that had the potential to fund up to 75% of a property owners approved shoreline restoration projects to help protect our lake's water quality.  10 people applied for the program with 4 projects approved and 3 scheduled at this date.  Because of early Covid concerns slowing down meetings, none of the approved projects have been completed as of this date, however you'll see below that $15,000 from the Katherine Harris grant funds have been committed to the program and will be disbursed in 2021.
  • Blue Water Science and Steve McComas have been retained as our "lake doctor"for over 20 years now.  Steve does an early spring survey to identify the invasive curly leaf pondweed and RCWD uses that survey to hire and treat the CLP.  This program has been very successful and is entirely funded by RCWD costing our membership nothing.  Steve does a second "state of the lake" survey in early summer which BEAA funds.  Among other things, he designates Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) possible problem areas that allow us to apply for treatment permits to the DNR.  In 2020 we received the good news that Steve found no large patches of EWM for a second year in a row and recommended we not apply for herbicide treatment.  This has a significant impact on our budget as the treatments can run into the $20,000 range.
  • The legal expense you see below is for our changing of BEAA from a 501(c)4 non-profit to a 501(c)3 non-profit. In the early days of BEAA there was political lobbying that needed to be done hence the (c)4 designation.  The c(3) allows for more liberal tax exemption status for the organization so your board elected to go to the c(3) route.
  • In 2019 Ramsey County Soil and Water (RCSW) enacted a pilot program called New Infestation Response Plan (NIRP) to deal with the myriad of new invasive species that seem to be coming to lakes in a never ending fashion.  Treating these threats is expensive and RCSW recommended that the lake associations in their jurisdiction adopt the plan which included a $50,000 set aside fund to deal with possible future infestations.  Because of your generosity and our good fortune to not have to treat EWM with herbicide these past two years, BEAA had money to set aside for future problems that most probably will arise.  Your board voted to approve this NIRP plan and to set aside the suggested $50,000.  You will see that reflected in the funds statement below.
  • You'll see expenditures for supplemental boat inspectionsin  which we pay Ramsey County to increase the amount of hours spent at the landing over the base level of inspections that they provide.  The amount is for two years since Ramsey County was slow on the billing in 2019.

I've been your treasurer for the past 5 years and it's been my honor and pleasure.  The very capable Antonette Alexander will be your new treasurer after the annual meeting and trust you'll treat her as well as you have me.  I'll be on the board for one more year and then my term comes to an end.

Mike Doran 



Funds Report as of 10/15/2020

Operating Account       $53,059

NIRP Account                $50,000

Katherine Harris Acct   $20,085    (Note:  BEAA has committed $15,000 of the Harris grant to our shoreline restoration program that hasn't been disbursed yet)


Income Statement 1/1/2020 to 10/15/2020


Revenues                     $35,509

Expenses                     $16,985


Net fund increase       $18,524



Revenues 1/1/2020 to 10/15/2020


Membership dues   $22,650

Glassware sales       $4,505

Prepaid dinners        $4,050

Donations                  $3,772

Music donations       $532

Total Revenue          $35,509


Expenses 2020


Boat inspections            $7,940   (2 years 2019 and 2020)

Music on the Lake         $2,551   

Glasses/Tumblers         $2,999

Mailings/postage           $1,026

Deposit annual dinner   $750

Insurance                        $695

Promotions                     $505     

Legal                               $314

Lake cleanup                 $106      

Memorials                      $100     

Total expenses              $16,985






At 8:05 pm Bart made a motion  to adjourn, it was seconded by Carole and approved by all.  


Next meeting date 11-12-20.  White Bear Boatworks Commons 6 pm